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What Kind of Radio Collector Are You?

by Paul Signorelli, Richard Dismore F4WCD/ZS6TF  2025-01-20
What is your real interest?

10 Meter Hex Beam

by   2024-12-30
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Vertical Antenna ALMOST as Tall as the Empire State Building!

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2024-12-10
A brief history of the Hawes Radio Tower

How to Keep RF Out of Your Rig

by Sherlock  2024-11-20
Some simple solutions to make your operating clean and stress-free!

The Ham Radio Spirit of Experimentation

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Sherlock Investigates: Baofeng Rubber Duck Whip Failure

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Sherlock Investigates High Noon Radio Failure

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Improving the Noise Blanker of the Ten-Tec Onmni-C

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Yaesu FT950 Audio Setup

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Lithium Ion Battery Safe

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Dead Electrical Dudes No. 9

by Philip Neidlinger, KA4KOE   2025-01-10
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Tensioning Guy Wires

by Bill Fisher, W4AN (SK) and Mark Lowell, N1LO  2024-12-20
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Dead Electrical Dudes No. 8

by Philip Neidlinger, KA4KOE  2024-11-30
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Indoor Attic Antennas -- Always Surprise Me!

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Dead Electrical Dudes No. 7

by Philip Neidlinger, KA4KOE  2024-10-20
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Re-Inventing the Tape Dipole

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Dead Electrical Dudes No. 6

by Philip Neidlinger, KA4KOE  2024-09-10
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RFI Noise and Inexpensive Computer Power Supplies

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Dead Electrical Dudes No. 5

by Philip Neidlinger, KA4KOE   2024-07-30
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Yaesu Microphone 'Tricks'

by Paul R. Brenner, W6RLF  2024-07-10
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