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Manager - AB7RG
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Cuba Facilitates Equipment to Amateur Radio Operators:

Created by on 2009-11-21

Cuba Facilitates Equipment to Amateur Radio Operators:

See the full story here:


Cuba Facilitates Equipment to Amateur Radio Operators:
While it is great that the Cubans hams can get their hands on a new piece of equipment, we must remember that this website is a tool of propaganda. There is nothing good about the Cuban Gov't. They most likely are selling them these radios because that is what the Gov't is prepared to monitor. We must remember how oppressed our neighbors are. On this day when we give thanks to God for our freedoms and blessings, our neighbors to the south are living under a dictator. It is a disgrace that America has allowed this Gov't to remain and to steal their lives and the God given freedom that we enjoy. Remember the opening lines of our own Declaration of Independence?
I encourage each of you to examine the horrible conditions in Cuba. Look into the reasons that thousands of people each year risk execution, prison or the open seas to leave that island in whatever floats. We cannot forget the Cuban people.
Cuba Libre!
RE: Cuba Facilitates Equipment to Amateur Radio Op
I got it, man. "They" don't want us talking to the Cuban hams on 160, man! John
Reply to a comment by : QRZDXR2 on 2009-11-22

The real reasion why they take a ax to it is because they want you to go buy the riceboxes. Its all political and if you got surplus equip you would not buy any commercially made equip. The politican are bought off. Look at the one gal who is retireing. She admitted that they made a donation to her campain fund (retirement) of over 300 million .. a new car every year for the rest of her life... and some other stuff... just to get her to vote their way. Think its not real. Why then are their no big businesses in the US. Even the clunkers for cash program was thought up and put into place to help the off shore car companies. Honda, Toyota and some of the others were the big winners in that... all approved by the paid off congressmen/women. So who did it help?? think about it. WE DON'T EVEN OWN OUR OWN COUNTRY ANYMORE.... THEY DO... ...and as our president BOWS to these idiots...he knows which side his bread is buttered on... The reasion we don't get things anymore is because we lack leadership... and what we have is personal interest. They don't care what happens to us... until it effects or could hamper there's
Reply to a comment by : AE6RO on 2009-11-21

Interesting that the radio is primarily for the 160 meter band. If you want 80 and 40 you need another part set. They must know something about Solar Cycle 24 that we don't. John
Reply to a comment by : AI2IA on 2009-11-21

It is very good that the Cuban Government thinks so highly of their amateur radio operators as to be willing to invest resources in their activities. It is a wise decision because these Cuban amateur radio operators will use their skills to help out during storms and other bad weather and natural disasters. They take their radio privileges seriously and will take good care of their equipment so they can be fully functional and well prepared. It will be a pleasure to find increased activity by Cuban hams and to hear them on 80 and 40 meters. "He specified that Caiguaran has a 20 Watts power level and work in the 160 meters band, which it’s the legal for third category ham radios. By adding a device the bandwidth can be adjusted to the 80 and 40 meter bands. The FRC has 5,500 members and contributes greatly to the country when telecommunications are affected by meteorological events." Thinking people and governments realize that far from being an obsolete and dwindling endeavor, amateur radio is a dependable resource for all communities. - Ray Mullin, AI2IA
RE: Cuba Facilitates Equipment to Amateur Radio Op
The real reasion why they take a ax to it is because they want you to go buy the riceboxes. Its all political and if you got surplus equip you would not buy any commercially made equip.

The politican are bought off. Look at the one gal who is retireing. She admitted that they made a donation to her campain fund (retirement) of over 300 million .. a new car every year for the rest of her life... and some other stuff... just to get her to vote their way.

Think its not real. Why then are their no big businesses in the US. Even the clunkers for cash program was thought up and put into place to help the off shore car companies. Honda, Toyota and some of the others were the big winners in that... all approved by the paid off congressmen/women. So who did it help?? think about it.


...and as our president BOWS to these idiots...he knows which side his bread is buttered on...

The reasion we don't get things anymore is because we lack leadership... and what we have is personal interest. They don't care what happens to us... until it effects or could hamper there's
Reply to a comment by : AE6RO on 2009-11-21

Interesting that the radio is primarily for the 160 meter band. If you want 80 and 40 you need another part set. They must know something about Solar Cycle 24 that we don't. John
Reply to a comment by : AI2IA on 2009-11-21

It is very good that the Cuban Government thinks so highly of their amateur radio operators as to be willing to invest resources in their activities. It is a wise decision because these Cuban amateur radio operators will use their skills to help out during storms and other bad weather and natural disasters. They take their radio privileges seriously and will take good care of their equipment so they can be fully functional and well prepared. It will be a pleasure to find increased activity by Cuban hams and to hear them on 80 and 40 meters. "He specified that Caiguaran has a 20 Watts power level and work in the 160 meters band, which it’s the legal for third category ham radios. By adding a device the bandwidth can be adjusted to the 80 and 40 meter bands. The FRC has 5,500 members and contributes greatly to the country when telecommunications are affected by meteorological events." Thinking people and governments realize that far from being an obsolete and dwindling endeavor, amateur radio is a dependable resource for all communities. - Ray Mullin, AI2IA
RE: Cuba Facilitates Equipment to Amateur Radio Operators:
Interesting that the radio is primarily for the 160 meter band. If you want 80 and 40 you need another part set.

They must know something about Solar Cycle 24 that we don't. John
Reply to a comment by : AI2IA on 2009-11-21

It is very good that the Cuban Government thinks so highly of their amateur radio operators as to be willing to invest resources in their activities. It is a wise decision because these Cuban amateur radio operators will use their skills to help out during storms and other bad weather and natural disasters. They take their radio privileges seriously and will take good care of their equipment so they can be fully functional and well prepared. It will be a pleasure to find increased activity by Cuban hams and to hear them on 80 and 40 meters. "He specified that Caiguaran has a 20 Watts power level and work in the 160 meters band, which it’s the legal for third category ham radios. By adding a device the bandwidth can be adjusted to the 80 and 40 meter bands. The FRC has 5,500 members and contributes greatly to the country when telecommunications are affected by meteorological events." Thinking people and governments realize that far from being an obsolete and dwindling endeavor, amateur radio is a dependable resource for all communities. - Ray Mullin, AI2IA
RE: Cuba Facilitates Equipment to Amateur Radio Operators:
"Thinking people and governments realize that far from being an obsolete and dwindling endeavor, amateur radio is a dependable resource for all communities. - Ray Mullin, AI2IA"

Yes, Ray, very true. Kind of like when our government handed out surplus military gear to MARS members. Now, DOD just takes an axe to it, in the interest of "national security." Nope. Can't have an HF packset in the hands of ordinary citizens.

I can remember the yellow-painted Civil Defense "CD" badged Gonset Communicator 2M transceivers. Yes, our government once invested in and trusted its cadre of amateur operators.

Today, though, we have our government throwing Billions to the likes of Motorola and M/A Comm for Internet highjinks in cop cars. And, promises of "interoperability" post disasters. Fools that took the candy from the salesmen sit in Washington.

One need only look to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to see how useless the vulnerable trunked radio concept really is.

Instead of billions so that cops can view mobile broadband content instead of keeping their eyes peeled for crimes in progress, our government would have better spent the resources on the likes of the old CD system. Ah, but experience is so unimpressive when compared to the gratuities of lobbyists.

Buena suerte a nuestros amigos en Cuba. Cuba Libre!


Reply to a comment by : AI2IA on 2009-11-21

It is very good that the Cuban Government thinks so highly of their amateur radio operators as to be willing to invest resources in their activities. It is a wise decision because these Cuban amateur radio operators will use their skills to help out during storms and other bad weather and natural disasters. They take their radio privileges seriously and will take good care of their equipment so they can be fully functional and well prepared. It will be a pleasure to find increased activity by Cuban hams and to hear them on 80 and 40 meters. "He specified that Caiguaran has a 20 Watts power level and work in the 160 meters band, which it’s the legal for third category ham radios. By adding a device the bandwidth can be adjusted to the 80 and 40 meter bands. The FRC has 5,500 members and contributes greatly to the country when telecommunications are affected by meteorological events." Thinking people and governments realize that far from being an obsolete and dwindling endeavor, amateur radio is a dependable resource for all communities. - Ray Mullin, AI2IA
Cuba Facilitates Equipment to Amateur Radio Operators:
It is very good that the Cuban Government thinks so highly of their amateur radio operators as to be willing to invest resources in their activities.

It is a wise decision because these Cuban amateur radio operators will use their skills to help out during storms and other bad weather and natural disasters. They take their radio privileges seriously and will take good care of their equipment so they can be fully functional and well prepared.

It will be a pleasure to find increased activity by Cuban hams and to hear them on 80 and 40 meters.

"He specified that Caiguaran has a 20 Watts power level and work in the 160 meters band, which it’s the legal for third category ham radios. By adding a device the bandwidth can be adjusted to the 80 and 40 meter bands.

The FRC has 5,500 members and contributes greatly to the country when telecommunications are affected by meteorological events."

Thinking people and governments realize that far from being an obsolete and dwindling endeavor, amateur radio is a dependable resource for all communities. - Ray Mullin, AI2IA