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Vintage Station Build HT-44/SX117

by   2022-08-30
WD9GOF shares his setup

The E-H Antenna Revisited

by Steve Katz, WB2WIK/6  2022-08-10
An "eHam Classic" by WB2WIK

The Emergency Communications Corps Story

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2022-07-20
W0RW shares some major operations he participated in from 1958 to 1971 while with the LA City Civil Defense/RACES.

Homebrew Single-Lever CW Paddle

by Mark M. Oring, AG4RQ  2022-06-30
An "eHam Classic" by AG4RQ

Use of Isolated Computers for MARS

by W4JDY  2022-06-10
W4JDY talks security...

Top Ten Steps for Successful Portable QRP Operation:

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2022-05-20
What you need to know before you head out into the field!

Random-Dot Stereogram QSL Card

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2022-04-30
Spice up your cards with The Magic Eye art QSL cards!

L.A. City Civil Defense in the 1960's

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2022-04-09
A look back into Cold War Era Ham Radio Civil Defense

Ukraine QSL's

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2022-03-18
W0RW shares some of his cards from the 1950's onward

1950 Handie Talkies

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2022-02-20
A look back in time to some of the earlier handheld radios

Shoulder Sling Antenna Mount

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2022-08-20
A simple solution to keep your antenna in place while operating Pedestrian Mobile.

Most HF Amplifier for the Price

by   2022-07-30
On a budget and need more power? N8FVJ may have your solution!

Wire Yagi Antennas are Simple to Construct and Maintain for 40 Meters

by   2022-07-10
K4RVN shares how effective this antenna is, and how to construct one.

Student Project Enables Hams to Experiment in the 33 cm Band

by Dan Romanchik, KB6NU  2022-06-20
KB6NU shares details of the DAEMod-915 project.

Korean War MARS Operations

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2022-05-30
The importance of phone patches during wartime

6 & 2 Meter Square Copper Dipoles

by George Dowell, K0FF  2022-05-10
An "eHam Classic" by K0FF

Linear Power Supplies – Part 1

by Howard Walker, KI4VEO  2022-04-20
KI4VEO presents a closer look

Another Look At Classified Advertising

by Rick McCallum, KC7MF  2022-03-30
An "eHam Classic" by KC7MF

EMI and RFI – Some Causes and Cures

by Howard L Walker, KI4VEO  2022-03-08
A broad sweep review of the causes, cures and techniques for reducing these types of interference.

Analog Receivers for Band Cruising

by   2022-02-10
Does anyone else prefer an older analog dial receiver for cruising the HF bands?