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Manager - AB7RG
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Where is Everyone?

by Randy Cook, K6CRC  2021-06-20
K6CRC shares his dream, or nightmare... A lighthearted look at the future (June 18, 2025)


by James 'Jimmie' R Hilit, II, N8NSN  2021-05-30
An "eHam Classic" by N8NSN

A Simple Pull-Up Mono-Band Vertical Dipole Antenna Design / 4NEC2 Tutorial

by   2021-05-10
Increase your contacts with this excellent antenna design

Go Portable with Your Butternut Vertical

by Scott Evans, N4ZOU  2021-04-22
An "eHam Classic" by N4ZOU

My End Fed Stealth Antenna

by Tom Sowden, W6KAN  2021-04-04
W6KAN shows you his setup

Rebuilding CD45 and Similar Rotors

by Steve Fetter, WA8UEG  2021-03-16
An "eHam Classic" by Steve Fetter, WA8UEG

My First 'Cell' Phone

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2021-03-02
W0RW takes a walk down memory lane and shares info on the truly early mobile phones.

Remote Tuned Slinky Dipole for Restricted Hams

by James Zappulla, N1FDX  2021-02-10
An "eHam Classic" by N1FDX

How to Get On 220 Without Spending a Lot

by Greg Danes, KJ4DGE  2021-01-20
Try out the 1.25–meter band, without breaking the bank!

Tools and Supplies for the Ham

by Phil Salas, AD5X  2021-01-02
An "eHam Classic" by AD5X

Antenna Tuner Helper

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2021-06-10
Switch bands faster and easier!

Homebrewing RF Coils for Your Radio Project

by Edward Peter Swynar, VE3CUI  2021-05-20
VE3CUI walks you through the process

Peripatetic Morse (PM)

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2021-04-30
Next time you are out at the park and all the benches are taken, give it a try!

Exploring the Lost Creek Wilderness Area

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2021-04-12
W0RW shares the joy of portable operation in the beautiful Colorado mountains

Inexpensive High Quality Ceramic Insulators for Antennas

by   2021-03-26
WD8SBB shares some helpful info to keep more money in your pocket

Remember the Kenwood MC-50 Mic Toilet Paper Roll Baffle? It's Back! Sorta.

by Mike WA4D  2021-03-08
What's old is new again!

Cold Temperature Testing Your Rigs

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2021-02-20
How to make sure your rig is going to work in extremely cold environments.

House Cleaning?

by   2021-01-30
What can we do to clean up the bands and get rid of illegal equipment?

Top Ten Steps for Successful Portable QRP Operation:

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2021-01-12
How prepared are you? What steps do you take?

My First SOTA Activation

by Steve Hersey, K7OFG  2020-12-26
K7OFG shares his experiences, and the view...