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The Butterfly Effect

by Ulrich H. Steinberg, N2DE  2020-08-24
An "eHam Classic" by N2DE

Exploring the 7 Lakes Wilderness Area

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2020-08-12
Did you work W7L up 11,000 feet in the beautiful Colorado mountains?

You Can't Work 'Em, If You Can't Hear 'Em

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2020-07-30
Sometimes the old adage isn't true...

Dumb Questions About Dummy Loads and SWR

by Martin Brossman, KI4CFS  2020-07-18
An "eHam Classic" by KI4CFS

It Ain't Dead! (Morse Code - Still Effective and Useful)

by Tomas, NW7US  2020-07-06
NW7US takes a look at Morse code operating today

Covid-19 Dual Band 2m/70cm Antenna Build

by Mike Sanchez  2020-06-24
Using down-time to increase range

Digital Mode Operating Tips: Worth What You Pay!

by Andrew Ellis, NO6E  2020-06-12
Share your tips and help others to get even more enjoyment!

Optibeam OB11-5 (Excellent Stuff)

by   2020-05-24
HB9DBB shares his thoughts on this antenna

What Can We Do to Help Grow the Amateur Radio Hobby?

by Martin Brossman, KI4CFS  2020-05-12
What are your suggestions to bring more people into our ranks?

How Are You Doing During This Lock-Down Quarantine? How's Ham Radio?

by Tomas, NW7US  2020-04-30
What is going on with you during this challenging situation? How and what are you doing?

CQ As Public Service

by Andrew Ellis, NO6E  2020-08-18
Allow yourself an unknown experience with a person you've probably never met!

Multi-Band Ground-Plane Vertical Antennas

by Edward Peter Swynar, VE3CUI  2020-08-06
A viable option for portable-seasonal operation

Even The Longest Of Journeys

by Edward Peter Swynar, VE3CUI  2020-07-24
VE3CUI waxes nostalgically about his formative first steps in amateur radio

How Do You Get Started Transmitter Hunting?

by Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2020-07-12
W0RW helps to show you what you need and how to be successful at it.

A 12-Volt 30 Amp Power Supply -- EMI Sweeps

by Randy Kaufman, WD4LUJ  2020-06-30
WD4LUJ shares the result of a conducted and radiated emissions sweep

Sherlock Investigates Common Failure of a Kenwood TM-241A, FM Transceiver

by Created by Sherlock  2020-06-18
How to bring your broken rig back to life!

Revisiting Phased 80 Meter Verticals

by Bob Raynor, N4JTE  2020-05-30
For about 50 dollars you can get on the air without anyone noticing, except for your contacts!

Hide Your HF Vertical in Plain Sight

by Scott Evans, N4ZOU  2020-05-18
An "eHam Classic" by N4ZOU

The True Story Of The Midland Terminal Ghost Train

by Vern Thompson, W6ZJU (SK) via Paul Signorelli, W0RW  2020-05-06
W0RW recounts this story by Vern Thompson, W6ZJU (SK). -- Only Hams do these kind of things...

Amateur Radio -- Ham Radio and Dying Hobby?

by   2020-04-24
Worried about the future of things? Help to build a strong community!