
Manager - NA6M
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Classified: Koss SB-40 Headset Dynamic Mic.. Works great

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2024-12-06You *must* login first, using the 'Login' link at the top of this page.Mics & HeadsetsYou *must* login first, using the 'Login' link at the top of this page.
Koss SB-40 Headset Dynamic Mic.. Used with my Hermes Lite 2 Plus rig... Works great.. just hard to get used to using a Headset... Makes My Ears Sweat HiHi,,, so it up for sale... Sounded great.. If a Hermes Lite user buys I will include the Adapters for the audio setup for the Hermes Lite 2 Plus...

Asking $50.00 Shipped.

73's Frank.. N5WJ