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Classified: WELZ SP-420 VHF/UHF wattmeter Removed

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2024-12-08You *must* login first, using the 'Login' link at the top of this page.MiscYou *must* login first, using the 'Login' link at the top of this page.
I have for sale a Welz SP-420 140-525mhz power and SWR meter in good condition. Works fine, as SO239 antenna connectors on it. It has 4w, 20w and 200w selectable ranges. Measures FM average power or peak reading of SSB in addition to SWR for all meter ranges. Works fine, I do not have the DC cord for the meter backlight and PEP readings. Comes with a manual.

I am asking $55 shipped in the US. I can take paypal/check/MO

73 John AF5CC