




Manager - AB7RG
Manager Notes

Marconi Anniversary at Poldhu Amateur Radio Club in Cornwall:

Marconi Anniversary at Poldhu Amateur Radio Club in Cornwall:

From : on 2024-12-02

Radio enthusiasts from Cornwall will be celebrating the 123rd anniversary of the first radio transmission across the Atlantic this month. In December 1901 Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi and two assistants travelled from Poldhu Wireless Station near Mullion, in Cornwall, to the Canadian province of Newfoundland. It was on December 12 that history was made, when a pre-arranged signal of three dots (the letter 'S' in Morse code) was heard by Marconi on Signal Hill at St John's, Newfoundland - having been transmitted from Poldhu. In doing so, Marconi was able to disprove the previously common held belief that radio waves could only travel in straight lines. His work laid the foundation for the development of radio, television and all modern wireless communication systems since.

Website :
Marconi Anniversary at Poldhu Amateur Radio Club in Cornwall:
See the full story here: