
Manager - NA4M
Manager Notes

Review Category: Lightning & Surge Protection/Supression

Product Name# ReviewsLast ReviewMSRP $Avg Rating
Siemens FirstSurge FS-140 Type 2 SPD12022-08-16$400 but discounted @ $210(4)
Alpha Delta ATT3G50UBXL12020-05-2664.95(5)
DX Engineering 2KW Lightning Protectors12019-01-19$59.95(5)
Georgia Copper Ground Bars12017-09-14$28 and up(5)
Harger GBIS18148 Grounding Bar Kit12016-03-08$79(2)
Times Microwave LP-SPT Surge Protector Tester12015-05-02875(5)
KF7P Copper Strap12012-08-17(5)
LBA Technology Copper Ground Strap12011-02-21(5)
KD9SV Transceiver Front End Saver with Solid State Amp T/R Relay12010-12-1088.95(5)
LBA Lightning Dissipator Arrays12010-06-03(5)
ICE Model 340 Suppressor/Filter12006-04-16(5)
I.C.E. Control cable suppressor and AC mains suppression12002-01-27(5)
DX Engineering Utility Enclosure Kits DXE-UE-2P22024-08-1059.99(2.5)
KF7P Ground Rod Clamps22022-08-16(5)
PolyPhaser IS-RCT22014-02-03150(2.5)
Cushcraft LAC4H22010-08-2749.95(3.5)
Front Panel Express42015-08-21Varies(4.8)
Array Solutions AS-300 Series42017-03-2458.00(5)
Storm Copper Components Grounding Bar Kit42012-03-2119.61 ($25.99 w/ Callsign Engrav(4.5)
Home Depot 8 Foot Ground Rod42011-08-1213.00(4.8)
I.C.E. Model 348 Rotor 8-Conductor Suppressor42010-08-2544(4.5)
I. C. E. 309 open wire surge protector52018-10-1946.00(5)
Array Solutions Control Cable and Rotator Surge Suppressors52016-10-1771.00(5)
KF7P Metalwerks copper ground bar62015-12-23$40(5)
Polyphaser IS-B50HN-C172013-08-3069.95(5)
AlphaDelta ATT3 G50 Static Discharge Protector122023-07-1554.95(4.3) - Copper Ground Strap152016-09-0865(5)
PolyPhaser IS-50UX-C0172017-01-0589.95(3.4)
I.C.E Coaxial Suppressor172010-05-1744(4.1)
KF7P Metalwerks cable entry panel/single point ground462024-12-0580(5)