
Manager - NA4M
Manager Notes

Review Category: QSL printers; callsign badge engravers; etc.

Product Name# ReviewsLast ReviewMSRP $Avg Rating
55printing12019-06-0550/1K photo (incl postage)(5)
AA Woodcrafts - callsign cut in wood292023-08-119 approx.(5)
Aerial PrintCo - QSLpostcards.com672024-11-2783 for 1,000 Photograph Cards(5)
American iQSLUSA QSL printer122011-11-2011.99/100(4)
An UA3AA QSL Print services232007-06-26(4.3)
BG9GXM qsl printing12018-04-228.8USD for 100 pcs(5)
Callsign Badges from badgebutton.com32011-04-16(3.3)
CoolQSL Print Service142019-02-2640(4.8)
Custom Designed eQSL Cards From W3ZJ32011-04-1015.00 for basic card(5)
Custom Made Engraved Ham Callsign By SV3AQO32014-09-0410 € +3 € shipping(5)
Custom QSL Cards62024-02-09130.00 USD(4.2)
CustomQSL572024-11-0960.00 for 250(5)
DARC QSL-SERVICE 12023-09-16(5)
Doc's Graphics22000-05-01(5)
DX Engineering Digital Picture Frame and Scanner Systems12015-04-03$100(5)
EA7JX The Qsl printing service on the Internet.642009-08-2035(5)
Electroplate badge52009-10-1159.(5)
ELLI Print1102013-04-04US70 + $US30 ship if not EU(5)
eQSL2392024-09-23Free - Donations accepted(3.5)
FDS Graphics1542021-12-30(5)
Franklin Printing22017-05-11(5)
GG Graphics332022-03-14106.95(5)
GigaParts QSL cards22023-02-22$19.95(5)
GlobalQSL392020-02-22106/1000 cards(4.2) Custom QSL PostCards12024-06-03$60(5)
H. L. Raum Printing92009-07-11(5)
Ham Radio name badges62015-03-2210(5)
Ham Threads - B&B Embroidery92016-05-1015.00(5)
HamStuff by W7NN52011-02-073.50 or 6 for $19(5)
Happy QSL printers62013-02-05800cards for 30 plus 20 for post(4.2)
Hospers bros Printers12018-04-1992.00 for 1000 full color UV coa(5)
HotPressTshirts162014-04-0114.99 Embroidered Ham Hat(5)
IT9EJW QSL's1372021-09-14full colour 74.90 Euro's, 2 colo(5)
James E. Mackey K3FN Airmail Postage62020-01-06(4.7)
Jim\'s Engraving12016-11-05(5)
K4JSG QSL Cards1772023-06-0379.99 / 1000 cards(5)
Kamko QSL Cards102016-11-199.95 first 100 / 7.95 next 100(2.2)
KB3IFH QSL Cards4782024-11-24$50-$100(5)
KB3OZC QSL Card Organizer12012-03-30$10 For 10 Free shipping(4)
LZ QSL Printing Service0N.A.$65 USD/1000(0)
LZ1JZ QSL-Print2152024-09-3065.00 per 1000(4.9)
LZ1YE QSLprint.com42020-12-2527(5)
LZ3HI Gold Print Service352018-04-1661 per 1000 full color QSL's(4.9)
Marcum's QSL's32002-03-29(5)
NYQsl Printing62020-03-19(5)
NYQSL QSL CARD PRINTERS192022-01-12$88/500 CARDS(5)
Octavia Company1222011-11-06(3.5)
ON5UR QSL Service392021-01-2682 euro/1000 cards (Dec. 2003)(5)
Ottavio Bevione IK1PML QSL shop52013-11-09158 for 1500 QSL(4)
Overnight Prints32008-06-30(4.3)
PhotoQSL Full Color QSL Cards2632024-11-24(5)
Photos and Graphics on Crystal Glass12010-08-0935(5)
Picture Pockets12011-03-02£9.99 + P&P(5)
Printing For Less Dot Com12001-08-21varies(5)
PrintingHQ.com12010-05-26$79/1000 includes postage(5)
QFile by RadioWarehouse52006-04-0449.95(5)
QSL by IK2GAO12004-01-28(5)
QSL by PY2TNT32003-09-30(0.3)
QSL by SQ1K112013-02-2360/1000(5)
QSL Card Holder72014-07-149.95(4.1)
QSL Card Organizer402014-07-09$10 for 10 pages(4.9)
QSL Cards by
QSL cards by k4jsg.com52018-04-0239-59 USD(5)
QSL Cards by K7ELH92011-09-139.75/100 starting at(5)
QSL Cards www.gotprint.com42018-10-2850.00/1000(5)
QSL Cartoonist...George Blevins22010-03-26(5)
QSL Concept142024-05-2951 GBP (for 200)(5)
QSL Design by K1NSS - Dashtoons!422020-09-14Varies(5)
QSL Factory872010-09-13From 18.00 USD(5)
QSL's By N0TT Print42016-03-14One-color $32 for 250(5)
QSLPRINTER.COM142012-09-15$19.95USD for 500 cards(5)
QSLs by W4MPY1402014-10-02(4.8) - LZ5DB QSL Service12005-03-10 Various depending upon selectio(5)
QSLSHOP1202021-08-10120 $ incl. shipment to US(4.9)
QSLWorks QSL cards32020-05-08100.00 per 500 cds(5) printing service12008-01-24(0)
Quik Cards42011-05-1414.25/100 std cards(5)
RadioQSL Cards292024-09-25(5)
Safer Print12020-12-26$60/1000 cards(4)
SaxPrint Germany12017-02-031000 Color Economy cards $80.00 (5)
Technisoft Printing112006-07-20(5)
Tempo QSL printer22004-12-09(5)
The SignMan of Baton Rouge NV5A1382024-07-07varies(5)
UA1OMS QSL Print Service112009-06-16Elite: 84(5)
UA6HPR ( QSL52015-07-07(3.8)
UX5UO Print6802024-06-1478 /1000 cards(5)
VA3JFF - Custom Designed QSL Cards32005-01-13(5)
VE3AXC QSL printing service452013-03-04(4.5)
VE9QSL- QSL card printing service12003-11-23(0)
VI-CON QSL's102003-10-25(2.2)
Vistaprint color postcard/QSL cards42017-10-29(4.8)
W7NN QSL HOLDER SHEETS22011-06-159.95(5)
W7NN QSL Kit52021-12-1012.00 per 100 sheets(3.6)
W9XR Xstamper152017-03-17Various(4.9)
WILLIAM J. PLUM Airmail Postage & DX Supplies452016-10-30(5)