
Manager - NA4M
Manager Notes

Review Category: Amateur Radio Periodicals

Product Name# ReviewsLast ReviewMSRP $Avg Rating
73 Amateur Radio Today1062022-05-2525.00 Yearly(2.7)
Amateur Radio (WIA)22003-10-10(4.5)
Amateur Television Quarterly52014-10-3122. USD year USA(4.8)
CB Radio/S9 Magazine12014-09-12$2(5)
CQ DL42023-01-20Only for Members of the DARC(3.5)
CQ Magazine1622023-10-1642.95/yr(3.2)
CQ VHF82013-11-2425.00/yr(3.5)
DUBUS Magazine for VHF/UHF and Microwave132021-01-0330.00(4.8)
Electric Radio162024-03-0432(4.9)
Funk Amateur62021-01-033,00(3.8)
Homebrewer Magazine32007-11-1815 US & Canada/$25 DX(5)
K9YA Telegraph72022-09-070.00(5)
Low Band Monitor12003-09-02(5)
Monitoring Monthly32007-11-283.60GBP(4)
Monitoring Times312014-07-1825.95 a year(4.6)
National Contest Journal62009-11-1318(5)
ONDES MAGAZINE32010-10-217.50Can 4.50Euros(4.3)
popular communications532020-11-15(2.1)
Practical Wireless202021-07-02£2.95(3.1)
QCWA Journal12012-07-06Membership Annually $25(2)
QRP Quarterly112021-05-0120 year US - 23 for DX(4)
QRZ DX Newsletter42014-08-13USA: Mail $40/Yr...Email $25/Yr(5)
QST Magazine2672020-08-2534(3.8)
RadCom (RSGB)282020-12-1851 GBP / year(4)
Radio Active22004-04-23£2.25(2.5)
Radio and Communications22004-08-03(2.5)
radio ref12002-10-3151euros 1 year subsription+6.62e(5)
RCA Ham Tips12014-09-17Free(5)
Repeater Journal22008-01-0610/year(5)
Short Wave Magazine52007-04-03$6.75 U.S. monthly newstand pric(2.6)
Sprat102014-03-2014 per year in the US(4.8)
The Canadian Amateur72020-02-06RAC membership in On. $56.50/yr(3.9)
The Daily DX132015-01-25$49.00 - 1 Year or $28.00 - 6 mo(4.9)
The DX Magazine42008-07-0122.00 1 yr/6 Issues(5)
The Parasitic Emission32012-04-28Free(5)
The Roudtable Magazine12007-05-09FREE(5)
The Spectrum Monitor Magazine22020-09-1924.00 per year subscription(4.5)
VHF Communications12004-08-03(5)
Worldradio432015-04-0514.79 per year(4)