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Reviews For: N8BX CNC machined Weighted Tuning Knobs

Category: Ham Shack Accessories

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Review Summary For : N8BX CNC machined Weighted Tuning Knobs
Reviews: 16MSRP: 140
Precision CNC machined weighted tuning knob for many radios. This weighted knob is CNC machined from a solid billet of steel and powder coated with a light textured black paint (same paint Harley Davidson uses). Then a CNC Machined Derin Spinner is pressed into a precision ball bearing and fit into the knob. It comes with a stainless steel set screw with a non-marring tip.
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
W1GNK Rating: 2014-04-18
Very Well Made Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I just put one of N8BX's Weighted Tuning Knobs on my 5 year old Yaesu FT-2000. It's like I have a new rig, gives the VFO an incredible smooth feel. Extremely well made right here in the good old US of A.
8P6SH Rating: 2013-11-10
A must have item!!! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I purchased this to pair with an FT950 which I purchased a year or so ago. I has a great feel and i think dramatically improves this aspect of operating the FT950. Since then I purchased a second FT950 and so have had the opportunity to work both rigs side by side, with and without the 73CNC knob. Well there is no comparison. The rig without the knob tunes like a kit or a toy while the FT950 with the aftermarket knob tunes smoothly and with elegance.

The first rig now has around 10k QSO's on it during the last year - a lot of tuning around and without a doubt it was done more easily with this great accessory.

I've just ordered a second knob so my second rig can feel as smooth and slick as the first!!!

Highly recommended!!!

PE2AAB Rating: 2012-10-16
Really nice stuff Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Ordered a weighted tuning knob for my Yaesu FT-950 last week and after only seven days it arrived in the Netherlands.

Installed it directly and it's really a great feeling while tuning. Just as all the reviews here already told me so.

I'm looking forward to give it an endurance test next week during the JOTA, Jamboree On The Air, weekend.
DJ0RD Rating: 2012-06-05
An Easy Upgrade Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I bought this at the introductory price for my FTdx-5000D, an excellent upgrade for a top transceiver. Takes about 5 minutes to install and includes the long allen wrench.
WB6MYL Rating: 2012-06-05
For Collins & Drake Too! Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
One has to question, "what is value"? I purchased one of this firm's weighted knobs for Drake and one for the Collins S/line

For Collins: The fit and finish of this product is excellent; I couldn't decide which piece of equipment to put it on, but for the time being I put it on a KWM-2A; a weighted knob provides better articulation and provides a nice feel; I feel that this upgrade increases the marketability of the rig (not now, but when my girlfriend sells off my stuff as SK); the fingerhole in the OEM Collins knob is quite smooth and the improvement of the CNC is not as much as with the Drakes;

For Drakes: I really prefer operating my "B" or "C" line over the Collins; just personal preference; Any Drake collector will tell you that the little finger dimple that Bob Drake put on his equipment is really a misnomer as the "dimple" is not functional to use for tuning; I put the CNC on a TR-7 and the difference was substantial; it also has a nice "fit and finish" and looks good on all the Drakes.

I give this product a "4" because of value; Am I crazy, I spent $90 for the Drake and $135 for the Collins knob?!? I have no regrets but each has to ask, is the incremental increase in using the equipment justify the expense. In my case, I would say yes. Thank you.
PA0Q Rating: 2012-06-04
A very big improvement Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
In Dayton I bought this weighted knob and I must say that I am very enthusiastic about it on my FTdx5000d!

The weight of the original tuning knob is 250 gram, while the weight of the 73cnc tuning knob is 700 gram and this is a hughe difference!

The tuning is much more pleasant and convenient; really a very big improvement.

The feel and look of the weighted tuning knob are both excellent.

The tuning of the frequency in the 1 Hz resolution is much more easier than it was before with the original tuning knob.

IMHO this weighted tuning knob is not a 'nice to have', but absolutely a 'must have' option to your FTdx5000 or other rigs!