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Reviews For: MagLoop

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : MagLoop
Reviews: 3MSRP: 500 to $2,000 pending specificat
The MagLoop, is a (STL) small transmitting loop. more commonly referred to as a magnetic loop antenna.

At this time, MagLoop antennas are custom built to order as per specification requirements. They generally cover either the 10 through 20 meter, or the 20 through 40 meters bands. Other configurations and customizations are available upon request.

All of our magnetic loop antennas are manufactured out of high grade aluminum. Our butterfly style variable capacitors are also our own design and manufactured in house for inclusion into our loops. We also utilize trombone style capacitors as well as vacuum variable capacitors when required.

Although our loops are hand assembled and ready for play, the parts are precision cut using CNC laser and waterjet technologies, and TIG welded together in order to minimize losses and improve efficiency. They are a thing of beauty!

We strive to deliver an antenna that will rival its full sized counter parts in performance and build quality. And, the "foot print" is minimal.

The MagLoop makes great portable antenna with next to zero setup time. It need only be mounted about 1/2 of a loop diameter above ground for excellent performance.

Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
AG6YK Rating: 2015-06-12
Superb construction! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I purchased a prototype 20-10m Magloop on Ebay. The owner of MagLoop is also the moderator of a great Yahoo group on mag loop antennas so I had some experience with him. Given who was selling the antenna, I immediately felt confident I would a) get a good deal and b) get a great product. Totally on with both counts! Not only did I get an antenna I would be proud to show in the front yard (if I didn't live in a HOA), but Bob immediately responded to questions about the loop, and was able to add affordable CUSTOM features before shipping it to me! FB! Once the deal was done the antenna was shipped on time and at the advertised cost, no hidden extras. The antenna did languish in Customs for a few weeks but arrived at my QTH in immaculate condition. Welds are professional and very high quality, all parts are sturdy and the overall design is very well laid out. All metal is highly polished (I mean like new-car finish!) I highly recommend the custom gamma-match I requested, it will make siting the antenna much easier. I bought a prototype which included the capacitor drive motor but no control circuit. Auto-tuning the capacitor will require a little DIY which I still in the process of completing, but I hope to start getting QSOs on this gem very shortly. I will update the review once I am OTA.
Bottom line: I would not hesitate to recommend Bob and his MagLoop product line to any Ham or serious SWLer. His customer service and quality of construction speak for themselves when you experience them.
Bob C. - AG6YK
VE6CMM Rating: 2015-04-26
Excellent Antenna Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I recently purchased one of Magloop's prototype antenna's listed on eBAY. I was impressed with the description and the promise that it would likely get me back on the air as I am in a very high noise level area, and nothing seemed to work for me.

I was very impressed with the construction of this antenna. There were no marks anywhere on the loop, the welds were incredible, and the trombone tuning system is rather unique. I understand that the production models will most likely have butterfly caps to tune the loop, which will make tuning much faster, but I hope that the trombone system will still be available. It seems to me that it would allow for more accurate tuning.

The antenna came without the Gamma match network. I talked to Bob about my situation and he suggested that I loop couple the antenna as this would provide me additional isolagtion from electrical noise in the area. I built a loop out of 1/2" copper tubing and RG-8 coax.

It took about 5 minutes of tinkering to get the loop in operation, with a 1.2:1 SWR from 11.3 MHz to 34 MHz. Tuning of the antenna is very sharp, but with the Trombone Tuning system on the prototype, it is very easy to tune the antenna to the correct spot.

The back ground noise was non-existant. The bands were so quiet that I actually thought that the 3 radio's that I tried were not working. I got my MFJ sntenna Analyzer out and used this to tune the loop to 14.200 and then attached the antenna to my radio. Sure enough, signals could be heard, with just a slight increase in back ground noise.

I haven't tried transmitting with this antenna yet as I need to get the motor drive (for the tuning) operational, but so far I am very impressed.

Tuning is sharp, youare either there, or not. There is no real in between. A stepper motor is the way to go if you want fast band change capability, or you could drive this with a DC motor and use an antenna analyzer to tune to your frequency.

I can't wait to get this antenna fully operational. I have used receiving loops before, but never anything like this.
VE3PCD Rating: 2013-06-13
Great antenna Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I am very happy to be the first to review this Magnetic loop antenna made by Bob (VE3UK). The loop was delivered by Bob to my QTH and the first thing that impressed me was the construction, a perfect circle of 46'' DIA 1.5" aluminum tube, butterfly CAP beautifully TIG welded and a custom made gamma match adjustment not yet seen on any other loops. I have not measured the resistance of this loop but I would guess that it's close to near zero. After finding the perfect location on my 11th floor balcony to mount the loop with an swr of 1.1:1 I was set to work some DX, and work DX I did. Living in a antenna restricted environment I have tried several antennas, some I have made and many commercially made but I have never used an antenna this good. In the six weeks of using this antenna I have worked about 30 countries with no more that 50 watts. Some contacts: Nigeria, Kuwait,Serbia,Poland,New Zealand, St Lucia, Barbados all from from my QTH in Toronto.

The loop is beautifully made with a custom made butterfly capacitor that is driven by a dc motor controlled my hand held unit in the shack. I understand that Bob is working on an auto controller for this loops. I am also awaiting a smaller loop for 14Mhz - 30Mhz.

I gave this antenna a 5/5 simply because I can't give it a 10/10.