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Reviews For: NJ QRP Club PSK-80 "Warbler"

Category: QRP Radios (5 watts or less)

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Review Summary For : NJ QRP Club PSK-80 "Warbler"
Reviews: 16MSRP: $35
The New Jersey QRP Club has a wonderful new 80M implementation of the successful PSK-20 from Small Wonder Labs. The anncouncement by George Heron, N2APB, on October 16th has all the details. To be introducted at Pacificon 2000.
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
N1YRK Rating: 2010-06-15
great for 80 meters Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Even though I am posting my review now, I built, operated, and sold my PSK-80 a few years back. I really wish I hadn't sold it; I'll probably buy another kit. Kit building is pretty straightforward and the manual is great. The solding of SMT chips may be a problem for some people, and I was worried that I'd botch it, but it came out ok. But I wish I'd had a laser solding iron! winding the inductors was annoying, some may find this a bad part of the kit as some kits come with inductors already wound. I have plans for a coil-winding machine and may build it for making these inductors! I would have liked an enclosure, but upon reflection I am glad this wasn't included. It would have jacked up the price and there's a wide variety of abilities, needs and desires as far as enclosures. Probably the only complaint I can make about the radio itself is the band it is on; I prefer 30 & 20 meters. Yes I know the PSK series is available for these bands, but they're much more expensive. I'd like to redesign the warbler for these. To conclude, I'd say that this is a great first rig for those whose primary interest is PSK31, and a great first kit.
N9PSE Rating: 2009-11-23
A lot of capability for the money! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I originally purchased the Warbler in mid-2001 (shortly after the initial QST article). Originally available from the NJ QRP Club, now from the fine folks at Small Wonders Lab.

The kit quality is outstanding – it consists of a nicely etched, masked, and screened board, a package of components, torroids, wire, jacks, and even an appropriate power plug. The manual is clear and contains more than enough information for a low- to moderately experienced builder to successfully assemble the kit.

Having built a few kits in the past, I was able to build this in a single evening (OK, so it was a long evening, but…). The surface mount components gave me a little concern, but with a bit of care and a small-tipped soldering iron, I found the concern a bit over-rated. Nor were the torroids particularly troublesome. After the initial smoke test and hook-up, the kit worked right off the bat. A simple alignment of the receiver (single adjustment) put me on the air quickly. A few adjustments to Window’s audio settings and I was set, and making QSOs up and down the east coast (from northern VA). I had many months of fun before interests took me in other directions.

I’ve since gotten re-interested in PSK QRP and pulled the Warbler off the shelf. Using Ham Radio Deluxe and a G5RV, I’ve had great QSOs out to 500-800 miles (and having some FB QSOs with other QRP enthusiasts). I even got the notice of a German station, though he couldn’t pull me out of the noise (though I did work him using my Yaesu at 15 watts).

This radio will stay in my rotation of rigs – the last time I had this much fun was when I first got my ticket. It’s a great little radio for portable ops. I’ve since added Small Wonders PSK-20 to the mix, but that’s another review.
KT4WO Rating: 2005-10-07
Get One!!! Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I have built many kits, but I have never
goten more use out of any kit. I plan to buy the
40 and 30 meter kits also. Get one(or two or three) will not be disappointed!!!!
Dave gives great support and the kit is top quality. I also have the Freq-Mite...great for my
Ten-Tec DC-Receiver on 80 meters.
M1RKY Rating: 2004-12-06
Fantastic Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Arrived in 5 days! (UK). I built it over a couple of evenings, throw a wire over the house and "tuned up" with an MFJ 16010 Random Wire Tuner. 1st contact with Denmark (600miles plus), then Guernsey (300ish miles), etc. Using Hamscope. Can be tricky getting "read", but thats qrp and a poor antenna for you! Makes it more worthwhile when someone does return your call. Great fun. I intend using portable.
PE1CDA Rating: 2004-05-16
Amazing. Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I find the Warbler a great QRP TRX.
On the first evening that is was build i had contact with Iceland (TF2). The Warbler in combination with Digipan software works great.
It's amazing what you can accomplish with just 4 watt output in PSK mode, and i haven't got a good match with my antenna! Building it was fun, although the two smd parts needed a lot attention. The manual is perfect. All parts where in good quality and quantity.
I enlarged both the heatsink of the power transistors because they went a bit to hot during long qso's. Because of the several cristals it's stable and steady as a rock and the receiver conducts very well with strong signals in the neighbourhood. I don't have experience with other kits but this one is great.
My compliments to the New Jersey QRP Club.

'73, Peter, PE1CDA.
KC0PIF Rating: 2004-02-09
Best $45.00 I've spent in quite a while Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
The Warbler arrived on Friday (feb 6th, 2004),
I took and passed my General Exam on saturday
the 7th (I'd been studying a while). I
assembled the Warbler saturday night in 2-3
hours (best documentation and kitting since
HeathKit). I turned it on and checked it out
sunday afternoon into a dummy load. I strung
70 feet of wire out the window to a tree in the
front yard sunday night (with a transmatch),
and my first CQ was answered by someone in
Idaho ~500 miles away. The second call was
answered by someone in Texas ~700 miles away.
(I live in Colorado Springs) I measured the
actual output at 2.5 Watts with a 1.5:1 match
showing on the SWR meter. Input current hardly
shows on the ammeter of my Astron RS-20M power
supply. I'll have fun with the Warbler at home
and on the road.
K0KS Rating: 2004-01-27
Best $50 rig I've ever owned! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Amazing what a low power PSK-80 and PSK-31 can do. I've worked many states and Puerto Rico and the receiver does quite well with QRN in the form of lightning crashes. There's no AGC to hang up. Somebody running high power can ruin your fun because selectivity and dynamic range are limited though. A good antenna is the key to success. My Warbler was a lot of fun but this HP Laptop, like most new computers, has no RS-232 Serial Port and I haven't found a USB/Serial adapter and drivers that will work yet. Just a victim of progress.
KB1GUF Rating: 2002-03-08
Great value in a small package. Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
The PSK-80 is my first experience with PSK-31 and digital communications. The kit construction was easy and problem free. It took me about 8 hours, spread over a few days, to complete the kit. I was a little nervous about the surface mount devices, but a steady hand with the soldering iron was all I needed. Winding the coils required some patience, that's all. Calibration was straightforward, per the instructions. I am receiving stations from the east coast and midwest (I'm near Boston) -- but probably limited right now due to my less than satisfactory 80m antenna -- an Isotron in my den! I hope to have it mounted outside soon so that I can actually Tx and be heard! I am getting about 2W out w/ 12v supply; hope to have it up to 3W w/ 15v supply.
WB4OFN Rating: 2002-03-01
Enjoyable rig Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I rate the PSK-80 Warbler kit great for many reasons; quality of the kit package and manual, ease of construction, and superb operation. This little rig works very well! My first QSO with my Warbler was with my cousin Doug K4DSP and, when Doug and I signed, K0FOG called me on frequency to tell me that he was printing me in Iowa. Since my QTH is Virginia, I was elated to see my Warbler perform so well the first night I put it on the air!
My interest when I purchased my Warbler was primarily to take it with me on camping trips this coming spring and summer, but I've already enjoyed using it regularly on 80 meters and I plan on continuing to do so.
Russell Hall WB4OFN

KS1U Rating: 2001-05-12
impressive Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Upon opening the kit I was impressed by the quality of design. After my first contact with K4ODI in Macon, GA, I can say I am equally impressed with the operation of this great little xcvr. I haven't measured the distance, but it's pretty close to 1,000 miles from SE CT to Macon. Even with noisey band conditions and W1AW blasting in, copy was pretty good. It took about 4 hours to put the board together. The 4 hours included several minutes spent admiring my work at various stages. I don't know how they can sell the Warbler for what they do, even if I built my own board and parts I couldn't do it for less. Thanks guys.