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Reviews For: QRP Labs Ultimate3 QRSS/WSPR kit

Category: Ham Radio Kits

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Review Summary For : QRP Labs Ultimate3 QRSS/WSPR kit
Reviews: 11MSRP: 29.00
The Ultimate3 QRSS/WSPR Transmitter Kit transmits QRSS, Hell and WSPR slow- signal modes on any HF or MF band.

The kit is easy to build, with through-hole components only (no surface mount soldering). It comes with a pre-assembled and tested AD9850 DDS module, and one plug-in low pass filter module. Additional plug-in low pass filter modules are available for any of 12 HF or MF bands from 2200m to 10m. The kit can transmit on any frequency up to over 40MHz, and changing bands is a matter of plugging in the appropriate low pass filter kit to attenuate unwanted harmonic output.

A relay-switched LPF kit is also available, that allows the U3 kit to automatically switch between up to 6 bands in an operator-defined sequence.
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
VK4APN Rating: 2014-08-27
Smart, Simple, Elegant Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I have been an amateur radio operator & keen constructor for 40 plus years. I have kept up to speed with changes throughout the years - such that I build almost exclusively SMD projects these days. So, I consider myself an experienced constructor. On that basis, I would regard your U3 kit and solution as one of the most "elegantly" conceived that I have ever had the good fortune to build and use. It really is well thought out and couples modern "smarts" and simplicity. Basically just an MCU, DDS, LCD, FET switch and PA, output filter. Add in a GPS engine and you have a FREQ and TIME locked device. Look at the WSPR map and REALLY see what propagation exists. Sensational valus and functionality.