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Reviews For: OM Power OM2000+

Category: Amplifiers: RF Power - HF & HF+6M

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Review Summary For : OM Power OM2000+
Reviews: 29MSRP: 4000 US
2 kW HF+6m amp with a FU-728F tetrode
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
KB8O Rating: 2016-03-26
BEST Amp for the money! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
After much research of other amplifiers I bought 2 of the OM Power 2000+'s. I needed an amp that had 6m in it and also legal limit on rtty. I have had all the Ameritron amplifiers in the past, and even the ALS 1306 solid state. These amps replaced an AL80B and a ALS 1306 in my multi 2 contest station. I bought the amps and received the amps in less then 3 days direct from Slovakia. Both service from Jay at Array Solutions and the Gentlemen at OM are very helpful and pleasant to work with. Both amps take about 30-40w for full legal output , are totally overloaded with protection , and just sit and run at low temperatures. Inside and out the build quality is over the top and the features on the display are more then most people will ever use. I was worried about the noise of the fans but they are quieter then the old amps we used to use . We just did 8 hours or so in the CQ WPX SSB contest and we tried our hardest to get the secondary temperature controlled fan to come on but couldn't make it happen... 100% satisfied with amps , the buying process, and the support !

Jay KB8O
Doug AB8M
W9UM Rating: 2016-02-09
Proud to own. Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
After building and purchasing amps the OM2000+ is a remarkable piece of equipment. Quality throughout and more output than is ever necessary. Easy to tune and tech support (David) is more than willing and patient to expose a small learning curve. This amp really doesn't compare to my Alpha 89 and I'm more than pleased with the OM2000+. Makes me want to buy another one...hihi...
Thanks to the folks at Array Solutions for providing this amp and for their graciousness.
vy 73,
Nick W0UM
W6XR Rating: 2015-08-27
Full power with great QSK too! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Received my new OM2000+ and it wouldn't amplify. Spoke with Jay and other techs at Array Solutions and my level of frustration was getting to the point of absurdity I wanted to avoid at any cost. I then went to each header and every connection armed with a can of contact cleaner and I came upon very subtle indications that some of the connectors used were subject to inspection by United Parcel Service. I then lined up the box used by the OM folks and I was confident the person who was responsible for the "no show" might well be the shipper. After re-setting and cleaning every connector I suddenly had an amp. that worked and worked extremly well once the connector problem was solved!

I easily was able to get >1500 watts out on all bands and much more on 160 through 6 meters.(Once you have taken the time to make up a useful tuning chart, I was able to use the charts information for all that was settings used when I changed bands. Set the Band/Tune and Load controls exactly to the settings I showed on this chart. This tuning by the chart made tuning almost as easy as some of the auto tune amps I've owned in the past. I used to be of the opinion the Alpha 86 series provided the quietest T/R changeover as does the 2000+ but the rival 2000+ is also pretty much noiseless when keying the amp. It certainly is the maker of MUCH LESS noise than the Alpha 8410 I'll soon be selling. Finally, a small, easy to tune amp that makes no substantial noise going from transmit to RX, and a easy to tune amp that is at the right price too. It's the best value that is now available in my opinion. The 2000+ provides a lot of information to give you a good view of what's going on through a long list of error messages quickly available too. For the price, it's a very good box with VALUE that has been redefined by the OM folks. Can't read the reports after a dozen or more contest operations yet, but I sure think it will give a good report no matter what I do with it during the competition. For the cost and technical guru's out there, it's right at the top.


Natan W6XR
Ithaca, NY.
JT1CS Rating: 2015-04-12
Very good Amp Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I purchased my OM2000+ last November. Since then I'm enjoying my new Amp. It has all necessary protections like high SWR, high temperature etc... Easily gives me 1300 watts. I don't need more than that.
W4TUN Rating: 2015-04-06
Eating Crow Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I posted before and wasn't too sure about this amp. But now I have spent a few more days with it and feel much better about it. I was able to learn how to tune it up on 6, took me an afternoon, but now all I do is dial in the right numbers and it is up and running, so almost instant now. In fact I just fired it up and worked VP8NO on 6, and I know I would not have had him with out the 1.5kw.....Still a little loud but learning to live with it, I think my issue was going from a solid state amp to a tube amp created a bit of a learning curve which I found very frustrating. It really is a lot of amp for the money.
IK8HCG Rating: 2015-04-03
I HAVE NO WORD Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Owner now of a OM 3500A and previously an OM 3500, I can only say that the OM 2000+ is a realy great amplifier well done. Small and powerful. With a group of friends, we bought four the same day, all satisfied for its construction and the real power declared,
although I observed that you can get more power.
HF band I reached 2300-2400 watts while in six meters I did not go over 1700 watts.
the tunig is very easy with all the parameters available.
Personally I used in the contest and did not notice any problems of reliability and power, always the same.
comfortable his band antenna switch.
I read a previous review about the difference with a ACOM 1000, what to say? there can be no comparison for obvious reasons, more powerful amplifier needs inevitably increased ventilation so slightly more noise of course. But today who do not use headphones microphone ????
in my previous reviewes about OM 3500 call him "the murderess," That I can define the OM 2000+ the little murderess.
Is a great toy.
NP2G Rating: 2015-04-03
Really great Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
I purchased this amp to use on my boat . Size was a very important consideration. Also as with any amp I wanted a unit that used readily available finals.
The FU 728 is a great tetrode. It is also in other amps that I own. And yes tetrodes tune and load differently .
Noise from the fan . For me no issue . I have ran it at the qth and run audio processing .Even with this massive addition of audio it's no issue.
Watts out Boy is this little guy mighty .
And this is on all bands .
Built really well . I see similar components in my larger amp.
So It works far better than any 12vdc Solid state amp. Until they manufacture units that are 120V transistor finals Ill stick with tube style.
I would recommend this amplifier to a good friend .
WU2M Rating: 2015-03-14
Fantastic Amp & Support Thats 2nd to None! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
The heating issue I spoke of in my first review seems to have been caused by an incorrect bias setting. Once I reset it (which
the amp actually did for me) I had no issue.I can tell you that this amp is a powerhouse.
It makes loads of power, is quiet and so far very relialable. 1500 watt CW, SSB & RTTY all day long with ease!

Tuning this amp is a breeze and with the built in tuning aids it is quickly accomplished. I have my settings in a spread sheet
for easy recall. I simply dial in the numbers and go. I have yet to notice the settings change from what I have
recorded in the spread sheet. I am very impressed by the fully configurable front panel display.
I like that I can set the display to show a wide range of parameters and I can even lay them out the way I want them.
For instance, my main display shows me Output Power, SWR, Input Power, A screen current graph, a tuning indicator and
temprature. There are many many other choices as well. You even have multiple displays that you can set up.

The amplifier has a lot of built in protection features that makes it pretty bullet proof.

For anyone worried about the fact that this amp is not manufactured in the US, don't be. Array Solutions is dedicated to making sure that they deliver great customer service and they do. Jay and his staff have been a pleasure to work
with and so have the staff at OM Power. OM Power sent me a couple of parts to try when I was having the heating issue and I got them in 4 days! (Let me add there were NO defective parts, it was an incorrect bias setting)
Array Solutions and OM Power worked very hard to make sure their product was performing as it should and that I was happy.

Soon I will be purchasing another amp and the decision I need to make is which OM Power Amplifier will I get next.

Great customer Service from Array Solutions and OM Power make buying worry free!
F8DQL Rating: 2014-09-19
Lot of watts in a small package Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I own an OM2000+ amp for about one month, it replaced an Acom 1000 that I really liked, but I wanted a little bit more power.
2 kW carrier with a FU-278F on all bands, including 6m, it's impressive!

- High power with only one phase amp (240 V)
- Soft start
- Tuning help (see cons)
- Customization of the menus
- Lot of protections

- Tuning help. Looks nice but less efficient than the Acom 1000's one
- Tune and Load positions change slightly depending on the input power
- Noise (not so noisy, but more than the Acom)

This can let you think that I am disappointed but I am not. OK, the amp is more loudy and tricky to tune, but for twice the power!