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Reviews For: ZeroFive 10-80 Meter 43 ft. Ground Plane Vertical

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : ZeroFive 10-80 Meter 43 ft. Ground Plane Vertical
Reviews: 5MSRP: 519
10-80 Meter 43 ft. Ground Plane Vertical
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
AC8YJ Rating: 2022-07-02
Outstanding antenna Time Owned: more than 12 months.

This is an updated review; the original was on the multiband 43ft antenna without the ground plane.
I have the 10–80-meter 43-foot ground plane. It has 4 aluminum radials that are 130 inches long that sit about 7 feet off the ground.

1- Customer service is 2nd to none, Tom answered all my questions, and gave me a ton of advice and helpful hints before I even purchased this. I called him last month about something and he was still as helpful as when I bought this antenna many years ago.

2- Easy to setup and install- Me and 1 other fellow set this up in about 40 minutes, only needed some sawhorses to set it on as we assembled it and a stepladder to put in on the pole per the instructions. It took me longer to dig the hole for the mounting pole than to assemble the antenna. I also followed Zero Five's instructions as well, I have 150 ft of coax between the antenna and my radio, and I also use an external antenna tuner. (MFJ-929)

3- I do not have room for ground radials to work all the bands I want ----this is a compromise antenna---, this antenna sits in a 30' by 30 ' area ( that's all the room I had to work with), with the 4 aluminum radials that are 130 inches long, it takes up just about all of that space, the radials do dip to about 6 feet off the ground at the ends of them. I also have it connected to the chain link fence that surrounds the 30 by 30 area.

4- Very, very sturdy, this well-built antenna is freestanding. It went down to -19f one winter and an 86-mph gust during one nasty storm. This antenna will bend in the wind, but it always comes back straight up and down.

5- Wow does this baby work, I used to have a wire about 40 feet in a tree before this. This thing way out preforms it, I made my 1st contact on 15m to Croatia 10 minutes after getting the antenna hooked up, I make a lot of DX on it, it really pounds on 40 meters. SWR is about 1.5 across all bands with the autotuner, it creeps up to almost 2 near the top of 10M and 6M, I can use my dentron super plus instead of the autotuner to get it to about 1.5 on the upper part of 10 though so no big deal IMHO. If I want an ancillary vertical antenna in the future, it will be a Zero Five.
NQ9P Rating: 2022-07-01
Excellent and Excellent Customer Service Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I cannot speak highly enough of Tom and his product. I bombarded him with a ton of questions, especially given my small lot in Chicago. He gave me my options. Once I ordered the 10-80, it arrived well packed. Easy to assemble. I had a substantial difference in the width of my mast and the antenna. One call to Tom and that day he sent out some shims which fixed the problem.

As for the antenna - now if I hear it, I can work it. A substantial difference between my old comet BB7V and this antenna. Worth the price!
N7EHF Rating: 2022-05-27
A product purchased with no regrets Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
My ZeroFive 10-80 Freestanding Groundplane Vertical Antenna with Unun is absolutely fantastic. Antenna shipped very well protected as any quality item should be. Very easy to assemble, my advice is to purchase Tom’s custom fold over base that has “J” hooks for concrete mounting. Yes, it’s a few extra $$ but in the long run you will be happy you did the minute your wife walks the antenna and mast into the vertical position! This antenna is built like a tank, heavy duty quality components and hardware. I planned out my installation, took my time, followed all recommended steps for concrete form, base installation, grounding etc. This vertical is mounded on an 11 foot 1 3/4” 4130 Chromoly Round Steel Tubing mast secured into Tom’s fold over base. Coax bonding provided by an Alpha Delta TT3G50B DC Pass Surge Protector at shack entrance running 115’ Times Microwave LMR-400 feeding a LDR RT/LC Remote Antenna Tuner to a Poly Phase IS B50 Suppressor with DC Block connected by UHF male to UHF male adapter to the input of the Unun. The only radials are the 6 8’ groundplane radials that are part of the antenna design. My grounding system consists of 11 8’ ground rods spaced 16’ apart buried 15 inches below ground with 180’ of #6 copper bonded using Cadwell connection points. Being in Arizona with dry conditions, I ran the ground rods in a horseshoe pattern down both sides of the house and semicircle pattern around the backyard planning for additional future antenna connection points. The ZeroFive has certainly impressed and at times in pileups with all bands between 1.0 to 1.7 SWR (update: removed the Poly Phase IS B50 Suppressor with DC Block between remote tuner and Unun, SWR now 1.1-1.3 across all bands - this vertical can almost be a beam at 60'....) this is not a beam at 60’ but for my restricted property 100 wats from a TS-570S I receive great reports and can’t thank Tom enough for his quality craftsmanship and professional business ethics. Thanks Tom!
N8FVJ Rating: 2022-05-21
Quality Antenna Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Installed the ZeroFive 80-10 meter ground plane antenna and use with a LDG ProII auto tuner. Works well with SWR below 1.5. Most are flat SWR. I always get a reply with this antenna so far using 100 watts.
K4GTE Rating: 2022-05-20
Fantastic HF Vertical Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
Extremely well built, probably overkill. Performs as well as it looks. 1.5 SWR across 10-80, with occasional tuner use.
Excellent customer support. This antenna performs as well as verticals costing 3-4 times more. No field of ground radial wires required, which makes for a much quicker and cleaner installation.