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Reviews For: CHA F-LOOP (Chameleon Antenna)

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : CHA F-LOOP (Chameleon Antenna)
Reviews: 34MSRP: 350 to 450
The F-LOOP was designed with weight, durability, portability,
versatility and cost in mind.

The unique craftsmanship of the CHA F-LOOP distinguishes itself from
the competition. The antenna is built to last.

The unit covers everything between 10M to 60M (or 29,700MHz to
5,300MHz) continuously.

A single switch is used to tune the F-LOOP from 10M to 30M or from
40M and 60M.

The F-LOOP can be assembled and operated under 3 minutes.

The unit radiator is made of LMR-400.

The Faraday coupling loop is made of an aluminum bar which is
supported by a proprietary screw together hardline feeder.

Our specially and uniquely designed hardline feeder prevents SWR
fluctuations if the antenna is rotated or moved on itself which greatly
facilitated antenna tuning & operation.

The base of the unit is equipped with an anodized aluminum plate for
tripod assembly and for table top stability.

The F-LOOP antenna is fed from the rear of the unit by a SO-239 with
the provided coax cable.

The provided 12’ coax cable is equipped with an integral RFI choke
that will prevent or eliminate any possible RFI problems.

The front panel of the tuning unit is made of a clear piece of
polycarbonate which protects the tuning quadrant indicator.

The unassembled antenna comes into a high quality MOLE tactical bag
for easy carry and storage.

Each side of the tuning unit has been fitted with a custom designed
aluminum “L” shaped bracket that will be used to hold the optional 36”
diameter collapsible aluminum loop radiator.

The optional 36” diameter collapsible loop radiator is made of 1”
aluminum pipe. Each joints of the collapsible loop are made of high
tolerance aluminum connectors that minimize RF losses. With that
collapsible loop the F-LOOP will cover 10M to 40M.

The optional 36” diameter collapsible loop radiator greatly increase
antenna radiation by an average of 114%.

Frequency: 10M – 60M
Power: 10W CW or 25W SSB
RF Connection: SO-239
Weight: TBA

The antenna system consists of:

1 X CHA F-LOOP Matching Box
1 X LMR-400 Coax Cable
1 X 12' RG58A + Integrated RFI Choke
1 X Coupling Loop
1 X Screw Together Hard-Line
1 X Molle Bag
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
WA7JV Rating: 2022-05-22
Hope I got a lemon Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I really wanted to love this antenna. Beyond the great reviews, it’s made 5 miles from my house.
First, a quick background. I’ve been a ham since 1978 and have played with nearly every piece of gear from tubes to present. Not a neophyte for sure.
I recently moved to a lovely neighborhood that allows no antennas. I’m at an age where I can afford a new piece of gear from time to time so I figured I’d try some new technology. I’d heard how much funFT8 was so I decided to build a dedicated rig. The transceiver end was a new IC-705, to accommodate the HOAs, I thought I’d try this loop antenna.
First off, instructions were not good. Vague with old pictures that did not make much sense as far as model specifics. My day job is fighter jets, so I don’t think my issues were self error.
Second issue was all the hard line. Seriously, they give you tons of waveguide but aren’t clear at all what to use it for. Having tried several different combinations, I was never able to get an swr below 5 to 1.
I never expected miracles, but I really felt this setup would be better than kite string and a transmatch. ????
NQ8RP Rating: 2019-11-29
Incredible performance Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
This antenna is nothing short of amazing. I can work FT8 stations from California to Maine, Canada to southern FL and TX from my QTH (Dayton, OH), with 1 watt. Yes, you read that correctly. 1 watt. Rig is a Yaesu Ft-817nd. I have the antenna indoors, on a tripod, about three feet off the floor. Oriented for east/west propagation.

Tuning is very sensitive, but you'll get used to it after about 15 minutes. On the bands I generally operate (40, 30, 20, 17) I can get to an SWR of 1.2 to 1 (or better) every time.

- Build quality is second to none.
- Incredible performance - even indoors!!
- Band range is 80 meters to 10 meters.
- No additional antenna tuner is needed (tuner is on the box)

Now for the "minuses", if you want to call them that - more like specs that you need to be aware of.
- Its basically QRP. 25 watts SSB, and 10 watts for digital.
- It is not waterproof.
- It is very high Q, so you need to adjust it when you move a few kHz from your operating frequency.
- While a tripod is highly recommended, it is not absolutely required. Set it on a table (with XYL's permission, of course! lol) and you'll be fine.
- It's not cheap (but see "Pluses" points #1 & #2)

Compared to my outside end-fed antenna (sloped to 40 feet), I see zero difference in performance. Given that I generally work QRP FT8 (so, basically 5 watts or less and at fixed frequencies), the above mentioned "minuses" mean nothing to me.

Bottom line, if I had not experienced the performance first-hand, there is no way I would have believed the capability of this antenna. Like other reviewers have said, you CAN actually "believe the hype" regarding this antenna.

73, Roger NQ8RP (formerly KE8BSR)
N0XE Rating: 2019-04-02
Excellent antenna with some notes Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have the original CHA F-Loop and have been very pleased with it ,but some notes that may interest you and may apply to your antenna. First Chameleon has redesigned the loop and no longer do you go through the tuning control box and hook to the coupling loop. They had used stiff LMR 400 cable, two sections with a barrel connector to accomplish this and was used to support the LMR-400 radiating loop, but unfortunately the original SO-239 connectors center pins in many of the original control boxes were way to large for the PL 259 pins to fit correctly and operation could be erratic and the loop would not radiate well nor be stable in tuning, this happened to me. Also the middle barrel connector might not fit tight on the 2 LMR 400 stiff sections as well so don't over look that either, Easy fix, a little solder on the pins to widen them and make sure you have solid contact all around, If you switch to the solid high efficiency radiator,( the solid aluminum ring) , still make sure your jumper from the top of the box to the coupling loop is a solid contact on both ends, you will need a coax 50 ohm jumper as the 2 stiff LMR sections are not long enough to be used with the larger aluminum loop, if your jumper is a tad long don't sweat it, a 3 ft jumper is just a tad long, just loop the excess in the middle and tie it off with a zip tie or Velcro strip. You also have the option to just feed the coupling loop direct if you prefer and bypass the control box but mine seemed to tune a tad easier by still going through the box. The new 2.0 loop designs now goes direct to the coupling loop as Chameleon realized all those connection points coming off the top control box and up to the coupling loop just led to trouble so they eliminated the problem. OK when you order the new
aluminum high efficiency loop you will see it comes with a smaller replacement coupling loop , their engineers say it is better and can be smaller as the radiator is larger in size, theory may say that is correct and maybe in their testing it is but I can tell you in my case the original larger coupling loop made a huge difference and I have switched back to it and the loop is performing better then ever, maybe the larger loop gives better coupling in some cases, in mine it does and also no change in SWR adjustments, both loops seem to tune the same at least on my end. I just get better performance with the original larger coupling loop. OK I have made contact with both the supplied RF choke as well as with my own made up ones using my own snap on toroid's and they work the same, I have even made contacts with no choke being used but according to the literature the choke affects your directivity pattern and nulling so they recommend you use one. I keep mine on but not sure it is as critical as they say. I also have made plenty of contacts with the loop with a 1.5 to 1 SWR and not a perfect 1.0 but of course the loop probably works best when ever you can get it to perfect 1.1 or 1.0 to 1, still don't let that stop you, I was indoors with mine this last week and with a 1.7 to 1 SWR I worked a station in FL and had a 10 minute QSO, I had to many surrounding objects too close to get it right to 1.1 , if you do operate indoors moving the loop in a tight space can affect your SWR, so it may be 1.1 heading east and you swing it to the north and SWR may jump up to 1.5 or higher, indoor operation requires some monitoring. I love my loop, I have had the Alex Loop and the RF Precise loop and been pleased with how they have all worked, the Precise loop is a top notch loop as well and super quality in it's construction but I opted to stay with the Chameleon F loop as I wanted the largest radiator I could get as I operate a lot inside my home now and need all the efficiency I can get, I would like to note that although the Alex loop is probably priced high, it's super portability fills a nitch and I did find it to be a good loop for that purpose and do not regret buying mine, Yes this loop and the Precise loop and I am sure a few others are probably better built quality wise but the little Alex was easy and fun to use on the run and I still liked it, 73 Jim N0XE
W2QL Rating: 2017-10-01
Still Excellent Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
Update: I've had this antenna for a year now, so thought an update might be useful to some.

To begin, a bit of background. I am not an engineer. I am, in the literal sense, an amateur radio "operator", and I have some experience operating loops, having used the original AEA "IsoLoop" back in the late 1980s/early 1990s and also having an AOR receiving loop.

So what follows are my subjective thoughts after my first year with the antenna (and the RT-RR accessory).

First, this is a compromise antenna, rated for low power. So that is the comparison - obviously it doesn't work as well an array at the optimal height running legal limit. For me the question is can I have enjoyable QSOs with it, and is it easy to operate?

Second, STLs are common, if still not completely understood. For me the question is build quality - is the Chameleon version "built to last"?

With that:

1. The build quality is excellent. Obviously Carl and Chameleon take great pride in workmanship.

I have the Loop + (aluminum loop). I assembled it when it arrived and have not taken it apart. I do not have the equipment to measure if there has been any changes over this year - for example, my multimeter goes only to .1 ohm and my understanding is changes of .01 ohm can affect the performance of a STL? Anyway, the bottom line is that I have not noticed any degradation in performance over the year. Just last night I worked 40 cw into Michigan (~400 miles) using it w/ my FT-817.

Note though - I've used only the aluminum loop - I have no experience with the coax loop (and therefore have not tried it below 40).

2. The packaging was very well done. No concerns about damage in transit, or that any parts were missing.

3. The documentation (which is also available on the website) is easy to understand: I got the antenna to work!

4. Customer service is excellent - quick responses to questions about accessories (RT-RR)

5. Performance is remarkable, at least in my opinion! I run CW almost exclusively (I've got to gear up for the digital modes) and unless the bands are shut down, I can almost always make a QSO.

Obviously I can't be totally sure of what I'm not able to hear, but I can't determine if RX is limited by the antenna aperture, my rcvrs (817nd/CommRadio CR-1a), or urban suburban RFI hash. I have not done much direct A/B comparison to other antennas, but I find that the useful performance compared to my other portable antennas is basically the same, though the Loop is generally quieter and can be positioned to null out directional hash (the other antennas can handle higher power and have greater bandwidth). Similarly, because this is the only 1- meter loop I have, I can't evaluate its performance compared to other similar-sized loops.

The effect of propagation on performance is I guess a separate topic!

6. The benefit of remote tuning cannot be underestimated, as it is much easier and quicker and allows for exposure spacing.

Bottom line: if you are looking for a multi-band antenna with a small footprint and are able to properly site a STL, the Chameleon F Loop will perform.

I am very pleased with mine, I would buy it again, and I would not have near as much fun with ham radio if I didn't have it!
W9RTB Rating: 2017-05-08
F-Loop with Remote Control Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Order the F-Loop antenna with the remote tuner and rotor control.
After two hours of use in the drive way, the remote tuner control stopped work. Turns out the motor burned out and the gears where stripped. Emailed Chameleon that night. Here are the replies from Chameleon about the problem.
Money less shipping was refunded to my account the same night.
Chameleon Reply
“You should have emailed me before returning anything!! They manufacturer in Colorado could have sent you a brand you unit because the burning issue is a well know issue….He has been replacing the motors when they fail. The last batch of motors he received were defective!!!”
My Reply
Why would you sell a product with a know problem and or wait for a failure ?? Please credit my Pay Pal account.
Chameleon Reply
“Because the defect has been discovered just recently… They are not all defective but a small percentage of them had a chance to fail”
OH8STN Rating: 2017-04-24
Well thought out well engineered Time Owned: more than 12 months.
At the time of writing this review, I own several different magnetic loop antennas.
- My DIY 80/60/40M Man Portable magnetic Loop.
- Alpha Loop 40-10M.
- Chameleon P-Loop (40-10M (Original).
- Chameleon P-Loop 2.0.
- Chameleon F-Loop Original.
- Chameleon F-Loop Plus.

These are all magnetic loops I own and use out in the field. So this review is based on my experience as a QRP field operator and not based on what the guy next to me on a SOTA summit was using. I might also add, I don't get paid for reviews or the videos and blogs posts I make. I am my own man.

I primarily operate QRP portable with an FT-817ND. Sometimes that might be an IOTA, or a ski adventure pulling a skipulk to the Arctic Circle, or at the pool on a Greek island resort. You just never know. It is exactly for this reason the F-Loop exists!

The F-Loop is built upon a modular platform, allowing its operator to configure it for whatever operating conditions or HF bands he'll find today. Tomorrow of course is a new day. The F-Loop gives me the ability to setup with a easy to carry coax radiator for 40-10M. Or add the double loop to extend it for 80 & 60M coverage. Add the aluminum radiator kit from the F-Loop+ and step it up even further. Add the RT-RR kit for remote tuning and rotating useful in antenna restricted areas. Finally, if you need even more efficiency, add the booster kit for 40-15M which takes the F-Loop to a higher performance level.

You see, when I was researching the various commercial loop options out there to buy (this was my first), I looked at most of the somewhat portable loops and their capabilities. The Alexloop, Chameleon M-Loop or F-Loop, Alpha loop, W4OP, or building it myself. The thing I noticed first were all of the comparisons from commercial loop manufacturers, were comparing themselves to the Alexloop and the Chameleon F-Loop. It was easy to understand these two were the benchmark all others were trying to copy or beat. So I decided to focus on the Alexloop and F-Loop.

The reason I chose the Chameleon F-Loop and also what the other loop manufacturers ignore when they compare themselves, is the "Lego Block" approach of the F-Loop. They compare themselves to one single configuration of the F-Loop and tell you it's bad compared to theirs. The truth is the modular F-Loop system allows the operator to set it up for many different operating scenarios. It is literally like working with Lego blocks.

So does the basic F-Loop outperform the W4OP? Probably not in it's basic configuration! But if you add the Booster kit (larger main loop and coupling loop kit) then it does. What about break down size? At the time the Alexloop and F-Loop were the only two which would pack down small enough to be called portable. The Alexloop remains more portable, but then it doesn't have the configuration options like the F-Loop.

So I guess what I am trying to say is at that time, when choosing my first loop, knowing I could only afford one, I choose the F-Loop because it could adapt to the way I chose to operate. The other loops were just static things bolted together without thinking about how the operator would use them.

So why didn't I build my own loop at that time? I simply didn't have the knowledge or confidence to do so.

Here are some of the key features leading to my decision.
- Extremely high quality components and manufacturing.
- 1/4 inch tripod mount on the base.
- 3/8 mount also on the base.
- Optional main loop kits
- expanded band coverage
- Small break down size
- Rigid coupling loop
- Remote mounting kit

I found it very frustrating to understand the comparisons between this loop and the other commercial loops. In the end I definitely made the right decision for a loop equally at home in the attic space above my shack, on the patio table next to me, or dragged along in my skipulk on a winter expedition to Lapland.

The F-Loop is form and function. There simply is no higher level of quality in the commercial magnetic loop market. I have and continue to recommended the F-Loop in all of it's variations to my friends.

de oh8stn
K5HH Rating: 2017-04-13
Can't go wrong with this quality Magnetic Loop Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
Frequency: 10M – 60M (+ 80M with extra kit)
Power: 10W CW or 25W SSB
RF Connection: SO-239
Molle bag
Coax loop or High Efficiency Aluminum Loop
Easy assembly & Tuning
Coax feed line with integrated RFI choke

As I've come to expect from Chameleon Antennas, A lot of thought went into designing a product that simplifies the life of the ham in operation and in quality(longevity) of the product. Top notch.

Very sturdy piece of equipment. Just looking at it, it's obviously built to very tight professional specs. Then you pick it up and feel the quality. It feels substantial, without being very heavy. It's not light, really, but not so heavy that I'd have any problems backpacking with it. I've taken it out into the field many times. This unit could take a beating, not that I'd recommend it...
The coax connectors are solid, and there's no play in the lines, knob, or A/B switch. I think I'd suggest it ship with locking wingnuts for the Aluminum loop, as the wingnuts that came with the unit have come loose on me a couple times while hiking. After replacing two of them, I replaced them all with nylon insert locking wingnuts and never had a problem again.
Although some would say that hiking with the aluminum loop in the first place is a bit extreme... hahahah

Ease of Installation/Use
Super easy to set up. I haven't quite got it up in 3 minutes yet, but 5 minutes is very doable for me. Hah. After it's put together, Make sure you're on the right A/B switch for the frequency, then fiddle with the knob until you get the loudest noise. Then fine tune to the SWR meter. Fine tuning is the hardest part for me and my ham hands ('scuze the pun). That's basically it.
I think I'll be purchasing the remote tuner. The proximity of your hand does change the tuning, so that gets a bit fiddly.
Other than replacing the wingnuts as stated above, no maintenance should be needed. Just don't beat on it, don't over tighten anything, don't push more wattage than specified, and this should last you many years.

In the field, I've put it on a tripod about one loop diameter above the ground and have generated contacts from Texas to Italy, Canada, Abu Dhabi, England, and various American cities. So far, so good.
I live on the 7th floor in a 1920's brick and concrete building in downtown Dallas. Being a historic protected building, we're not allowed to change the exterior of the building, so I can't attach a permanent antenna to the outside. So, I've been using my F-loop inside, next to a window, primarly using PSK31 and have had great success with this antenna and my KX3. So, perfomance seems to be great for me. I routinely connect SSB to nets in the south every week on 80m from inside my loft. Generally getting 59 reports.

As with all things Chameleon, this isn't the cheapest. However, you DO get what you pay for here. You're getting a piece of equipment that has been well thought out, very well constructed, and will last you for years. Also, the customer service that Chameleon antenna provides is second to none. I had a problem with my feed line and Carl took care of the problem immediately.

Overall Rating

I've had this antenna for almost a year now, and it's hard to argue with something that works so well. I love this antenna.
5 stars.

M0VOX Rating: 2017-04-04
Excellent Product for Portable Use Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I purchased the Chameleon F Loop about 6 months ago (October 2016). Upon opening the box, I was impressed with the care with which it had been packed, and also the build quality; all the components were well machined.

My first tests were undertaken inside the house using a combination of digital (WSPR, PSK31/63) and voice (SSB) modes. The results were outstanding. On PSK31, with only 5w, I was able to close contacts over 4000 miles away on 40m (all from inside the house).

I then ordered the RT-RR kit, with which I have been equally impressed.

Not only does this product do exactly what it says on the tin, but it has far exceeded my expectations. Whenever I work portable from now on, it will be the first thing (other than the radio) that I take with me.
VE9SY Rating: 2017-03-24
Great Portable Antenna Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
Ordered the antenna first of Dec and got it fairly quickly. Carl is a excellent person to deal with. He solved a few problems before I was even able to order the unit. I ordered the optional rotatory unit and I am so glad I did.

Setup is quick. From pulling it out of the box to hooking it up to the radio the first time was less than 10 minutes.

First few tests were without using the remote unit. Tuning by ear I can get within 2 to 3:1 without issue. Then by pressing the tune button on the KX2 I can get a 1:1 every time. Worst match I've gotten so far was a 1.5:1. In all tuning usually takes less than a few seconds.

Using the remote is great not only does it allow you to tune the antenna from a distance, the rotor is also great . As a loop is directional, it allows you to better find and bring in that weaker signal. It has a very fine tuning range. More than a khz or 2 you will need to tweak the settings. But I find once you tune you can scan the band pretty well before tuning to transmit.

I've made a few contacts from the apartment I live in, but there is a LOT of noise here. This antenna is less noisy than others I've tried, but the reason I bought it is for getting out to play.

Over all learning how to Tune the antenna takes minutes. Setup Minutes Fun for hours. I highly recommend the antenna and the company. The build Quality is excellent. Nothing is cheap about the build. The use the best quality materials.
KA3OUC Rating: 2017-03-20
Best Antenna So Far Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
This F-loop really works well. It is the best antenna I have ever owned. It works well pulling in stations using it in my bedroom. Works ever better when outside. Used it outside and I was getting station from all over. Looking forward to doing more outside work now that winter is over I can't wait. Using F-Loop with my IC-7100 doing HF D-Star. This antenna is worth every penny. I am glad I went with Chameleon , it's a sure bet.