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Reviews For: EFE 40 QRP Transceiver

Category: QRP Radios (5 watts or less)

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Review Summary For : EFE 40 QRP Transceiver
Reviews: 5MSRP: 125
40m 5w SSB Purchased on ebay. Comes assembled as two boards, a DDS and an
RF board. User supplies case, switches, knobs, speaker, mic
Product is in production
More Info: http://
# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
TA2UH Rating: 2016-02-01
As promised, nothing to disappoint! Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
I didn't buy this radio as a finished product as I had a chance to buy it as a kit. The DDS is TA3OM's own design while the RF board is a remake of a famous French QRP rig with many improvements like getting rid of the varactor-diode VFO, obsolete mic. compressor IC, again the obsolete Neosid IF transformers etc.

Everything works flawlessly, as they should do. The DDS is one with AD9833 (0-12 MHz) with a buffer and a 10 MHz low-pass filter.

If you will buy it pre-made, all you'll have to do is to get a case of your own choice, drill and put the circuit boards inside with the necessary connectors and pots. That's nice because you can choose whatever style you want.

I sincerely recommend this QRP radio, it's easy to make, use, modify or repair. I'll soon build another with CW add-on, this time for 20 meters.

Bonus: TA3OM always answered my mails and calls and gave excellent support during the building phase and after. He's very kind and honest.
N8BEG Rating: 2015-10-30
This is an excellent rig for the $$ Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Bought this a few months ago. Kitted it up in a black "Vaultz" box I bought at Walmart. It is excellent. Stable as a rock. Clean and pleasant audio. Made a hand mic from an electret condenser element from Radio Shack. Get excellent audio reports. Worked PJ2/Curacao 6:00 this morning with 5/5 report. You won't be sorry buying this one. He sells them one-at-a-time so you have to snatch it up when it posts on Ebay. 73
TA3EP Rating: 2015-08-22
GREAT LITTLE BIG RIG Time Owned: more than 12 months.
The producer of this rig is Mustafa TA3OM. Sells the rig on Ebay only. His Ebay link is:

Click this link, read the critics and see how honest and fast servicing seller he is.

Seller's personal web page (and some videos of rig is here)

I have bought 20m version, the rig comes as two separate boards, a main board and a direct digital synthesized VFO board. Dear ham friends, please pay attention here, this kit comes with an assembled and adjusted, fully working DDS VFO !!! The main board is also assembled and adjusted. All you have to do is connect the wires between the boards, adding a 13.8 V supply, an antenna, a speaker and a condenser mike and you are ready to fly. If you are a ham, I assume you already have all of these parts and equipments. You have to add the volume and frequency knobs and put it in a box by yourself also. The sound of receiver is warm and beautiful and the transmitter gets great signal and sound reports. I love this little rigs' naturel voice too much. Thank you Mustafa, please keep up this good work.

CONCLUSION: If you are interested in QRP radios and ham radio kits, this rig is a real bang for buck. Don't miss it, buy soon when it's available. If you have any questions, contact Mustafa TA3OM, he will answer you immediately.
N6ALT Rating: 2015-08-14
Great Transceiver value Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
I bought my EFE QRP 40 transceiver about a year ago. I mounted it in a nice black case, it looks great and works great. It is used as my bedside radio, and I use it everyday and night and have made literally 100s of contacts with it. It's really nice having the S meter built into the display and can be calibrated to be very accurate. The only problem I had was one of the NE602s failed about a week after I got it, I informed Mustafa and he offered to send me one out that same day, great service! I had a drawer of them in stock so I just replaced it and I've never had another problem since. It is very well built and has proven to be a most reliable radio. I would highly recommend it. There is also a 20 meter version available also.
KF6KXG Rating: 2015-05-02
Nice SSB QRP Rig Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
The kit came from Turkey and arrived in about 2 weeks. The seller lists one or two radios a week on ebay so if you don't see it wait a day or so and try again. Radio is well made and works as promised. I have received great audio and signal strength reports. The only assembly concern is that you have to match up the ribbon cable by the no. terminals on each board. It is up to the purchasers to supply a case and design the layout. It seems to be fairly bullet proof as once I had the antenna switch in the wrong position and hit xmit without causing any damage.