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Reviews For: Broadcom 3000 Antenna (Terminated 2 wire folded dipole)

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : Broadcom 3000 Antenna (Terminated 2 wire folded dipole)
Reviews: 1MSRP: 199.00
Broadband Amateur HF Band 1.8-30 Mhz, + 50 Mhz possible 450 Watt PEP Max Brand New A MUST for ALLBAND Ham Operator ...
Yes , the Only Antenna that you need for your Life ...
This antenna design is to be use from 1.8 Mhz to 30 Mhz , with added 50 Mhz design with Tuner. It capture any weak signals in receive mode and much better performance than any vertical and Trap Dipole antenna. The antenna possesses resistance to any kind of weathers and capacity to accommodate output power RF load from 150 to 450 watt P.E.P CW/SSB, appropriate for multi channeled transceiver radio by using only one coaxial cable. Antenna is made of copper material woven and protected by plastic material with roll and matching circuit or balancing network.
Broadcom 3000 Antenna may serve as dipole, Vertical, inverted ā€œVā€ or sloper antenna having all-way transmitting characteristics in partial declivity with side en adjacent to ground, approximately 3 - 15 meters above ground.
30 Metres horizontal lenght
ā€¢1.8 - 30 Mhz >>>> Low SWR < 2:1 Typical
Freq: 1.8 - 30 Mhz WITHOUT Tuner
Added Freq degsign : (50Mhz with Tuner)
Max POWER : 450 Watt PEP
Horizontal Lenght : 30 Metres
Shape : Horizontal, Vertical , inverted V
This Antenna will Serve You for Yearsss..
RUGGED Connection at all Parts !!!!!!!!
Product is in production
More Info: (Subrata1979 eBay store)
# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
VK2EVB Rating: 2015-10-04
Works but poor quality construction. Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Made in Indonesia and sold via eBay. Once installed as inverted "V" common mode noise reception was "unbelievable". So bad in fact that only the strongest signals (S9+)could be heard from my small city house block. I placed an MFJ RF choke under the balun which made a tremendous difference and reduced the noise level to about S5 so I was able to hear stations. I had several local QSO's with quite good reports but reception was very noisy. I felt the RF transformer was no good so I made up my own 9:1 balun using 2 tubular toroids. I removed the MFJ RF choke and temporarily replaced the original balun with my homebrew version. Unbelievable difference! The noise level dropped to S2 or less and signal reports improved. I permanently fitted my 9:1 balun and have been testing for several weeks and it is performing as well as the home brew T2FD antenna I made and tested previous to buying the Broadcom 3000. I cracked open the original "balun" to find it appeared to be an Unun (unbalanced to unbalanced transformer)which explained the noise problem. I also found a twisted BUT NOT SOLDERED joint on the RF transformer. The terminal bolts were stainless steel with stainless nuts & washer on the outside but zinc coated nut & washer in the inside. The eye hooks looked like stainless steel BUT started to rust and were magnetic so either poor quality or NOT stainless plus had zinc coated nuts on inside.. Brass crimp eye terminals were soldered to the insulated copper wire radiator at least. The resistive termination reads 484 ohms so hopefully this will handle the power rating suggested. My advice would be to buy a brand name antenna or build it yourself as you would finish up with better quality.
My 9:1 transformer was a 450 ohm balanced to 50 ohm unbalanced design. More photo's & details on my QRZ page.