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Reviews For: Diamond CP6AR

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : Diamond CP6AR
Reviews: 3MSRP: $419.00
The CP6AR multi-band trap-vertical antenna for HF bands, covering the 75*, 40*,
20, 15, 10 and 6m amateur bands. Made from heavy duty aluminum, the CP6AR
assembles easily, and yeilds excellent performance and reliability from a compact
base station antenna. Its compact size allows for many mounting options. Minimum
15' diameter required for mounting radials. No additional ground radials required
*CP6AR will cover small portion of 75 meter phone band. Antenna tuner required
for additional coverage..
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
VA2DV Rating: 2020-09-28
Urban option Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I live in a narrow townhouse so wire antennas and radials fields are out of the question. After much experimentation with vertical antennas, including the no-radials variety and the mini V dipoles models, I finally went with the CP6AR and I am quite satisfied. Construction is typical Diamond quality; solid, well machined and stainless steel hardware.
The « built-in » radials are about 72inch long but it is manageable if you put the antenna on a roof or on a balcony. Adjustment points were spot on in accordance with the manual. Getting out very well on 40 and 20. Marginal on 80m but’s 15’ long ! Pricey but it gets you on 6 bands with reasonable performance.
Just wish it could also work on 17 and 30m, I am working on that.
N7WFK Rating: 2019-09-16
Terrible Antenna Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Installed this antenna at 35 ft off my roof. Manually tuned the traps via an antenna analyzer and ended up having to buy an external antenna tuner because the SWR was so high. I am running a FTDX 1200 rig with auto antenna tuner and that tuner could not tune the antenna. All new coax to the antenna and still nothing worth mentioning. This antenna is being replaced by a GAP Titan DX which at my radio I am only getting 1:1 SWR. Very unhappy with this Diamond antenna, expected so much more from Diamond since I own several Diamond antenna's that are quite good.
KD9ANE Rating: 2016-04-01
Today I'd choose a different antenna... Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Going from a 20 meter dipole in the attic I was amazed how well I could hear with the Diamond CP6AR up 30' outside.... After a years use I've found that transmitting is marginal... When trying to check into the local state nets I've given up due to poor signal reports. But for the most part with just pushing 100 watts I'm able to get out with good propagation. Here's the problem though....With never having a really good antenna, one would never know how poor your current antenna is preforming. Your also restricted to 200 watts into this antenna so there goes the amp purchase. My recommendation is to put the 400 bucks into an antenna that works much better on a couple bands instead of trying to cover most of them. I overheard a couple of experienced hams talking about vertical antennas and they said: You know Verticals....they radiate just as poorly in all directions... Construction wise, the Diamond CP6AR is built very well!!!