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Reviews For: MyAntennas EFHW-8010-P 200W 8-band End Fed Half Wave

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : MyAntennas EFHW-8010-P 200W 8-band End Fed Half Wave
Reviews: 5MSRP: 129.99
Portable or stationary 200W End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW)
antenna for 80/40/30/20/17/15/12
and 10m bands, NO TUNER NEEDED. Perfect for EMCOM, ALE,
Product is in production
More Info:
# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
VK6IS Rating: 2024-07-27
An Great Antennea Time Owned: more than 12 months.
This does work very well, and No Tuner is needed, as stated.
it should be mounted somewhere above 6m for it's best work.
but, there is an issue on 20m with some rfi feedback, though.
KZ6C Rating: 2021-02-25
EFHW-8010 multiband antenna is hard to beat for the money Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
Amazing deal! This antenna is cheap relative to the bang for the buck you receive. I put this baby up about 3-4 months ago by using a fishing pole to launch one end over my neighbor's 45 foot tall fir tree and started testing it immediately using RTTY mode from 10-80M. It beat my 43 foot vertical hands down. It destroyed my 40M dipole on 40M. When I am able to compare it with my MFJ-2010 OCF dipole and a new flagpole antenna I have coming in I will write another review. For now it is my best multiband antenna.
KD5QHB Rating: 2019-02-17
EFHW-4010-P Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
This is a review of the 40-10 EFHW PORTABLE. I purchased this antenna to use portable and quite frankly didn’t expect much. However, I participated in a POTA activation and used the old military camo net poles to get the far end up about 30ft with the feed point approx 8-10ft up in a north-south fashion. I made 45 contacts in just over an hour with 50 watts from Washington State to Maryland State and inbetween from a dead end dirt road in Sherburne Wildlife Management Area in South Louisiana. Needless to say, I am a believer in this antenna. In addition, I used an auto tuner then a manual tuner down to 1:1 with no problem. Thanks for reading my review!!!
KB3FN Rating: 2016-10-03
EFHW-8010-P 5+++ Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I ordered and received a EFHW-8010P Multiband End Fed Half Wave Antenna from MyAntennas. I purchased the antenna to try and reach other hams within a 150-200-mile radius. The emergency organization that I am the team leader for had to be confident that an antenna in a NIVS configuration needed to have 100 per cent coverage day or night. In operating Winlink Express Peer-to-Peer on 75 meters. Did it work in the resent S.E.T. drill? It was amazing. Day or night I was able to connect when I wanted to whom I needed to. I would give this antenna a 5+++ rating if I could.
The antenna is built with excellent materials that I have no question that it will be used for many years to come. Installation is simple find a tie off point for both ends and put it up. Connect to rig and you are on the air with no other changes.
E73M Rating: 2016-10-02
Works! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
This antenna works same as its big brother EFHW-8010-1K