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Reviews For: Ciro Mazzoni Midi loop

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : Ciro Mazzoni Midi loop
Reviews: 4MSRP: 1149.95
Midsize loop antenna, ideal for 80m up to 20m with continuous covering,
manufactured on a stable aluminium reed with a diameter of 75mm (ca. 3
inch). Loop diameter is 2m (ca. 78 inch), can be mounted without radials,
like all loop-antennas.
Product is in production
More Info:!loop-midi/c1ewt
# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
VE5SAR Rating: 2021-08-14
Great urban antenna Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
I installed this in a tiny urban lot on a Yaesu rotator with Green Heron controller. This has been a very good performer for me - with barefoot power contacts around the world. Surprisingly good on 60m and 80m.

My installation puts me a bit close to a metal roof, so my SWR on certain bands changes as I rotate the antenna and it interacts with the nearby metal - but I've been able to keep it under 2.0 pretty much everywhere. I've noticed tuning is sensitive to precipitation (rain or snow - both), and I have to retune if the rate changes. This is a very narrow BW antenna, of course, and sometimes the best practice of tuning up off-frequency is a challenge - even a few kHz away can be a vastly different SWR in certain bands/conditions. But easily compensated for.

This antenna makes operating in an urban area practical again, and dropped my noise floor against my vertical by three S units - with a much better S/N ratio. Sure, it's expensive, but it also LOOKS COOL - and is just a super conversation starter in the neighborhood! It's very well built, and has had no trouble with 120km gusts so far.

My one nitpick is that the ATU unit does not have an amplifier key line. The 200W-rated tuning unit is meant to go prior to the amplifier - but I'd still rather not risk the amp powering up until the tuning motor has finished its work. Hopefully that's addressed in the future.
JW4PUA Rating: 2017-06-12
Good antenna part 2 Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Part 2

It took me tree evenings to get the antenna up and running. First evening to make the fundament for the 60mm 2,5 meter metall tube. The second to mount and raise the antenna. The third to do adjustments and wiring. Well connected to my Icom IC7300 and fully automatic connection.

Then if I tune to a frequency the antenna tuner pick up that frequency in about 1 second. And in 1-2 second the antenna have tuned in the frequency. And the SWR shows in the display.
The SWR is not always as low as in the manual.

One thing I was worried about was the high Q when scanning the band for other stations. With the broadband wire antenna Ill see the whole band spectrum on the scope/waterfall on the 7300. So I planned to scan the band with the wire antenna, choose a frequency and then switch over to the loop antenna. Yes it did work, but it wasn't nessesary. The wire antenna did show the activity on the whole band, but it also gave me S 3-4 noise.

What I learned is that the loop antenna was very narrow, but the received with is ca. 100khz. So if I tuned in 7.150 I was able to overview 7.100 to 7.200 on the band scope. The other frequencies was weaker, BUT the 3-4 noise from the wire antenna was gone-silent! So I could see stations outside the tuned frequency that was weaker than the wire antenna noise. So to get a full overvieww over the band. I tune in one place in the lower part, then have a look. Then tune in another place in the higher part and have a look. It worked better than expected. At least on the 20 and 40 meter band. I have not seen any activity on the 60/80 meter so I have not tried those band.

I am very satisfied with this antenna so far. The SWR is often 1.6-1.8 in the 20 meter band, but signals getting out. I have had two contacts at 6000km the last two days on 20 meter. One of them gave me 59+5.

Was this antenna the best choice or the best value for the money. I dont know, but now other hams can hear me. I make contacts. It is far better than my inverted v wire antenna. Less noise. I mean atmospheric noise, not local. Better signal strength.

Will I do it again. Yes I thinking of getting an baby loop too.
M0VMX Rating: 2016-08-03
Top Class Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I thought I would add a review as this loop is just brilliant I do not have the space for a 40 or 80 meter dipole so this midi loop fits the bill perfectly, The performance is out standing on 80 meters I am using 50 watts and into G I am a 5-9+10 after dark of course I will be testing 40 out next.
I know its not a cheep antenna but its well worth it also it only needs to be install 2.5 meters off the ground.
M0ZMX Rating: 2016-07-24
The Ideal solution!! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I've had this loop antenna installed for the last couple of days, and I felt that this antenna needed a review.

I have my Midi Loop mounted at a height of 2.5m above the lawn approximately 15m from the property away from metal objects. The antenna tunes quickly and continuously from 3.5Mhz thru 14.5Mhz. It weighs in at around 20Kg so I have it mounted on a rotator in a cage.. With its 75mm tube diameter and huge capacitor plates I felt it best to make it stable!..

I have been testing the loop on 80m, 60m, 40m, and 20m and I can honestly say that I am pretty impressed thus far. I understand that it is a compromise antenna, and indeed my 3 element steppIR with 30/40m trombone element hanging 10m above the loop is way the better antenna on 20m but, as I move onto 40m the difference is less. Sure the folded dipole at 12m IS better by about 10-15db,, but not consistently ?!... At times the report is identical on both antennas. With size and height difference I find the results impressive.

On 60m I have made a few contacts, but there is not a great deal of activity at the moment, conditions are far from ideal.

On 80m (which is where I expected least efficiency) I have been pleasantly surprised. Many UK operators have remarked on how well the loop is performing, and I've had several contacts into continental Europe.. In many cases the qso content has been about the loop!, I've even returned to find people discussing me from the previous day!! This can only mean that the general consensious is good.

Price wise it's a very expensive antenna. My only justification is that it was second hand and a lot cheaper than the new price. Many will say that a bit of wire costs but a few pounds, If I had no room in my rear garden for anything larger I would be over the moon with its performance.. It really is a good compromise antenna.

It will never compete with a beam, or a full size dipole at height,, but if like me you're looking for something compact, I think you could do a lot worse...

I could have dropped it a point for the huge price, but then why should I ?... If I'm prepared to pay for it I cannot complain about it.. Some people justify having top spec radios costing thousands of pounds, yet all they have up is a compromise antenna... It is what it is, there's no magical antenna out there at 2m in diameter,, but I'm sure impressed with this loops performance for its size..

Would I buy it again?,, YES I WOULD..