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Reviews For: Array Solutions Vertical Phase controllers 2,3, and 4 -square an

Category: Antenna Switching, Phasing, Controllers

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Review Summary For : Array Solutions Vertical Phase controllers 2,3, and 4 -square an
Reviews: 7MSRP: 350 and up
High performance phase controllers with fail safe hot switching protection built in.
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
K3PA Rating: 2014-08-23
Easy and LOUD! Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I am using four 70' verticals and 32 ground radials per vert with the 80M phasing controller. The array has been a real flamethrower, with many "loudest on band" comments in contests. It's amazing to hear signals just pop out of the noise as the array is "rotated". Performance seems to be great on both CW and SSB, with plenty of bandwidth. My 80M DX totals are rising quickly!

I can highly recommend both the product and Array Solutions' superior support.
KN5O Rating: 2014-02-25
New 4-Square Controller Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
The new phasing system uses the ON4UN / W1MK method of phasing and power distribution. In October 2013, I installed 4 - 52ft DX Engineering telescoping aluminum masts with a 17' wire top hat and 36 radials per vertical. Measured impedance per vertical was 32-34 ohms @ 3650 KHz. Ran 4 - 75 ohm 1/4 phasing lines cut for 3650 KHz. Installed the box, controller, attached all the lines and got on the air. SWR between 3.5 to 3.85 never goes above 1.3:1. I've been happy with it so far. Great customer support as always.
W0GJ Rating: 2013-11-30
New 4-Square controller Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
For 75/80M, I have four Rohn 25G towers, 60' tall with stingers at the top for fine tuning. Insulated bases and each tower has two elevated "gull-wing" radials. The new phasing system uses the ON4UN / W1MK method of phasing and power distribution. EASY to install and configure. I did not do the fine tuning as it is hard to improve performance seen just out of the box. During the last CQWW SSB & CW contests, every station on the band map was worked. I just moved 400 miles south and I don't think the new QTH helped as much as the new phasing system. It would be nice if the box in the field was just a little bigger to accommodate an internal dummy load. As it is, no problem to put a dummy load in an adjacent little NEMA box. The control box is nice, small and very intuitive.
WB6Q Rating: 2006-01-15
Quality Controllers Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
I am using the Array Solutions stack match and rat pak controllers to phase my two hygain hytowers spaced 66 feet apart (1/4 wavelengh on 80 meters 1/2 wavelenth on 40 meters). The stack match allows me to select hytower 1 only, or hytower 2 only, or hytowers 1 and 2 in phase, or hytowers 1 and 2 180 degrees out of phase. The rat pak with 6 coaxial phasing lines allows me to phase my antennas in six 30 degree increments on 40 meters and six 15 degree increments on 80 meters. I have 60 quarter wavelength radials under each hytower. Does it work? The proof is in the pudding as they say. In the dx contest this fall I worked 122 countries on 40 meters ssb mostly split. So far this winter season I have worked 158 countries on 80 meters ssb from Nevada which is a lot harder than if you lived on the east coast and had a pipeline to europe. It's fun working the LA's, SM's, and OH's long path in the morning. Great system and Jay from Array Solution was very helpful in the design of the system which provides 3.5 dbi gain broadside and 5.5 dbi gain endfire on 80 meters, and 4.9 dbi broadside and 5.5 dbi endfire on 40 meters. The elevation angle on both bands is 25 degrees as modeled by EZNEC+.
HB9CIP Rating: 2004-11-24
Simple and affordable Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I could buy and test the Array Solutions W8AV Triangle array controller. It was Installed with three V80S Titanex Verticals.
To match with best SWR in SSB and CW I first tuned each Vertical on the cw part of the band, then connected them to the relay box and added a capacitor before the input coil.
In the relay box there was enough place to mount an additional ceramic relay to switch between SSB and CW.
The construction of the relay box in simple and well made. Adding the additional components was easy, so as to add a switch in the control box.
The system comes perfectly matched so it don't need any particular work. Just add a capacitor and a relay if it is needed to tune on SSB and CW with perfect SWR. The tuning procedure is well described. Array solutions answer very quickly if you need support. The tests made shows very good performance compared to a 4 square array and a simple vertical. It is a good compromize if you do not whant to install a full size yagi.
Best 73's from Dan, HB9CIP
AJ2W Rating: 2004-10-18
Excellent Products Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
Used an Array Solutions Stackmatch for Vertical system using 3 vertical dipoles for 7 mhz.
F/S and F/B were at least 10 DB and gain was over 3 DB.
Replaced this passive system with an Array Solutions W8AV Triangle Array active phasing system using the same 3 vertical dipoles and now
F/S and F/B are about 20 DB and gain is over 5 DB.
Excellent workmanship and excellent performance from both systems.
Highly recommended.
K8LEE Rating: 2004-09-05
excellant product Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
My 80 meter 4 square controller arrived double boxed and packaged well.
I had already planted my 4 HF2V,s.
spaced for ssb on 75 meters.
I did lengthen them 1 foot, added 3, 17ft long
top loading wires, and removed the 80 meter cap.
and shorting bar.
Out of the box the unit worked fine. the swr was
very good.
After reading the manual,well done,by the way, I did spend about 2 to 3 hours fine tunning.
Following the manual, moving the tap on input coil
and adding some capacitance the overall swr can be brought down to 1:1 or better.
My command tech. amp likes all 4 position, no retuning and output power close to same in all four dirrections.
In what little time I have used it I see at least
24db fb. Forward gain is not as high as it will be with four full verticals, but for a small foot print from the HF2V,s with toploading i an very pleased
Another great product from our friends at Array Solutions

c u in the pile ups

wayne k8lee