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Reviews For: Pi-SDR+ for Flex Radio SDR-1000 / SoftRock / Ensemble SDR

Category: Transceivers: HF Amateur HF+6M+VHF+UHF models - non QRP <5W

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Review Summary For : Pi-SDR+ for Flex Radio SDR-1000 / SoftRock / Ensemble SDR
Reviews: 12MSRP: 275 +
The Pi SDR IQ Plus is a high end sound processor and cat control featuring the AK5394A ADC giving 123dB of Rx dynamic range and a 192K panadapter for your SDR-1000 or Softrock/Ensemble SDR.
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
N1CCW Rating: 2018-04-14
Excellent with RS-HFIQ Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I just hooked up a new Pi-SDR IQ to my RS-HFIQ SDR. It is a remarkable combination. Excellent performance with a 192K panadapter, PowerSDR software, and no bothering with soundcards and drivers.

Setup is straightforward if you follow directions...

Combined with a Hardrock amp, this is a complete SDR radio solution.

W5SOG Rating: 2017-12-27
Revive your SDR-1000 in 15 minutes Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I just recently purchased a well used SDR-1000. After struggling with sound card drivers for any OS later than XP, I was delighted to find a state of the art sound processing unit for the SDR-1000 that works with any 32/64 bit XP thru W10 OS. Within 15 minutes after receiving the Pi-SDR+ sound processor, I was on the air running Win10, 64bit with an ethernet interface to PowerSDR 2.5.3 for both cat and audio.

It uses the well known the AK5394A ADC giving 123dB of Rx dynamic range and a 192K panadapter. It was really nice to say goodbye to 32bit O/S's, parallel port drivers that don't work, usb to lpt adapters that are not longer manufactured, and older PowerSDR software.

I've used both VBCable and Muzychenko's virtual audio cable along with vspmgr to connect to HRD and DM780 and both work products work nicely together.

The product was developed by Christos Nikolaou, SV1EIA from Greece. It's a quad-core ARM A7 SBC, a sound processing module, and an USB LPT interface to the SDR-1000 for the amazing price of $275 plus shipping. More information is available at . The only negative I've found so far is that you cannot purchase it via Amazon Prime, 2 day shipping. It comes Greek airmail and then US airmail and still takes over 2 weeks to transit the Atlantic ocean. But it works!

All in all, an amazing product that will have you dusting off that old SDR-1000 sitting in the closet and getting it back on the air.


Don Jarvis