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Reviews For: EAntenna DY MINI 6B

Category: Antennas: HF: Yagi, Quad, Rotary dipole, LPDA

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Review Summary For : EAntenna DY MINI 6B
Reviews: 1MSRP: Euro690
^ Bands yagi antenna for 40-20-17-15-12-10 mts NO traps
Product is in production
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OD5YA Rating: 2018-10-04
excellent support from Rodrigo-EA7JX-Instalation review Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
This is a follow up on the installation of the antenna.
After assembly, I hoisted the antenna to a small tower of 5 meters.!! the antenna did not perform as it should. Rodrigo, the owner and designer of EAntenna, was extremely helpful and VERY VERY patient and never missed an email I wrote to him. He informed me that this antenna is designed to work at 10m (33ft) above ground. Which was impossible for me, given the HOA regulations and the lack of sufficient horizontal real estate to anchor the guy wires for a 10mts tower.!!
I compromised and installed it at 7m(24ft). The swr reading was better. I wrote to Rodrigo with the results and a chart of the resonant frequencies and corresponding SWR, and he answered me back ,knowing that it was a public holiday in Germany where he is living now !!
Now, a side-note on customer services with EAmtenna: IT IS AWESOME and it proved to be efficient and helpful. I cannot thank you more Rod and I want to make my gratitude to you public.!!
some tips for installation:
1- the hairpin is very sensitive (on 20 or on 40 mts) so when you intend to open it or close it to vary the swr, do it with 1mm steps and not like an accordion!!
2- you shall discover that the hairpins need to be minimally opened . so do not over do it,start with a very small step and then modify as needed.
3- the 12 and 17mts are parasitic elements, and will come to life when 20-25-10 are well tuned. however, you will need o shorten or lengthen according to your need and portion of the band where you prefer to work.
4- make sure the nuts an screws holding the feed-points to the aluminium tubes are well tightened ensuring a solid electrical contact. I spent 3 hours in the sun to discover that one side of the FP on 40mts was the culprit for the intermittent reading.
5- before you lift your antenna to the tower, please balance it as much s possible around the mast clamp. This will render the life of the installer/rigger easier and will lengthens the life of your rotor bearing and brake.
6- if you install your antenna closer to 7mts to the ground like I did, the tip element of the 40mts dipole will need to be extended to the maximum. i have it at 72cm, with only 3 cm inside the receiving tube, so I installed double clamp for both tips. I shall be using the antenna and testing it for a few months, and on the final tweaking i shall drill a hole their and screw it in place for more sturdiness and security.

I dearly recommend this antenna, and EANTENNA gave me an after sales support I could not imagine it existed. Not only answering my emails, but also step by step whatssapp messages when things got tough. Hurrah for Rodrigo and his team and for EANTENNA !!
DR. Ghassan Chammas
Please see the antenna in my page.