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Reviews For: Jerry Ziliak KB6MT Amateur Radio School

Category: Ham Radio Education & Exam Prep Materials

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Review Summary For : Jerry Ziliak KB6MT Amateur Radio School
Reviews: 12MSRP: 19.95
High Speed CW course on cassette tapes.
Product is not in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
K7HUE Rating: 2024-03-05
Useful and helpful, but why the sloppy execution ? Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I was just given some 1987 cassette tapes from Radio School KB6MT. I did learn some short cut techniques already just persusing the 4 pages of paper hints and ideas that came with them. Based on my reading of reviews here, i'm going to look into getting the code instruction audio files. However there were a couple things that i thought done real carelessly and i thought, shouldn't happen. The 1985 dated test questions hints sheet has formula for Q wrong, given inverted as R/X. The paper slip accompanying these 4 sheets of test question samples and hints, this slip was cut from a single sheet and was not cut at a straight line across the page. Who cares? I guess. They didn't, it's clear. Also this slip is dated 1987, while the test qustion samples page with the wrong formual is dated 1985. No one there ever proofread anything? My opinion: useful and informative, but sloppily executed.
KZ6D Rating: 2020-04-26
General class theory tapes Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I do field service & installation work and can spend up to four or five hours a day on the road. I was always a bit bothered by this, thinking that there had to be a way of making some productive use of this time. When I got a mind to upgrade myself to General, I went down to the local ham shop & picked up Jerry's General Class Theory package. The way that the system is set up is kind of unusual (it fact if you're like me, upon first listen your reaction is liable to be "what the %&#$ is this?". But, after a bit the information sinks in pretty effectively. I took my exam with full confidence & scored 100%!

Brian McKown
KZ6D (former KA6WSR)
AL7LS Rating: 2020-02-17
Excellent CW Study Program Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Would not have passed the FCC administered Extra 20 wpm exam back in the early 1980s without these tapes. Jerry, (KB6MT SK,) truly put together an effective CW learning program, using the "Farnsworth Method" coupled with the then novel "Self Audio Study Method." I purchased and used only the high speed code three cassette tape course.
AA7LV Rating: 2014-07-02

KB4MB Rating: 2011-12-08
Helped me get over my block Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
Still available if you look online as an mp3 cd-rom from someone who just transferred the old tapes. I have tried many, many methods, and only Jerry really helped me memorize the code and letters. I still struggle at 10-13wpm, but before his course, I couldn't even must 5wpm. He teaches at 21wpm and slows it down, Farnsworth method, and TALKS when teaching you the letter. This really helps reinforce the letter as a sound rather than a bunch of elements. Hearing a human voice really helps you connect the sound to the letter.

Still available for $20 I think from a very nice outfit out there, and since it is mp3 files, easy to load on your ipod or whatever!
KE3WH Rating: 2011-05-01
Nothing better! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
The best test prep there is. I was able to pass Adv and extra with ease. If you get a chance to use his system, do it!
WU7X Rating: 2004-05-14
They work ! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I have been stuck at that 20+ wpm, write it all down one letter at a time phase for a number of years. I knew I had to find some way to put the pencil down in order to speed up my comprehension of what was being sent. I ordered Jerry's High Speed Code Words set of three cassettes and am amazed at how well they work. The process used is really rote memorization. Jerry sends basic ham code words, abbreviations, and numbers over and over at 20 wpm for the first two tapes. By the third tape (which I haven't worked with completely yet), he has you up to 35 wpm. He stresses listening to the tapes while you are driving, jogging, as background filler while you are doing something else.

After less than a week, I can already pick up most of the words I now hear on the air in my head. That is the trick, to hear words rather than strings of letters and numbers. I am up to around 25 wpm now at 70% accuracy and can't wait to get up to 30 wpm. I have the time now to focus on specific things like name, callsign, and qth, rather than the common stuff we exchange in a qso. This is the best $20 that I have spent trying to get my code speed up. It is also a great way to use up that commuting time learning something useful. I strongly recommend these tapes.

Dale WU7X
XE1UFO Rating: 2003-11-24
Wonderfull!! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Many years ago, after getting my 5 w.p.m. Technician licence, I was stuck at 7 words per minute. Then a friend sold me his set of Jerry’s Code Tapes. (These are old: Copyright 1983.) After a few weeks, I passed my Advanced!
Recently, I was off the air for 3 years and my CW was very rusty. I broke out the tapes and after a week of hearing them during my highway travels, a couple hours per day, I was up to speed again.
KK4DW Rating: 2002-08-25
Tape 2 of 3 totally blank fore and aft. Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
10-35 wpm Code Word course consists of 3 tapes. Tape 2 was completely blank fore and aft. Poor Quality control. I have used his 0-23 wpm tape course before and rate it (5) Great. Not a reflection upon him or his course but upon not verifying product quality control prior to shipment.
KG4PWC Rating: 2002-02-28
Great tapes Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Very easy to listen to the tapes in the car. I highly recommend the tapes to pass the 5 wpm exam.