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Reviews For: End Fed Dipole 80-6 meter Portable HF Matchbox System.

Category: Antennas: HF Portable (not mobile)

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Review Summary For : End Fed Dipole 80-6 meter Portable HF Matchbox System.
Reviews: 1MSRP: $37.99
This is a 9:1 matching transformer that allows operation of an end fed wire without a conventional counterpoise.
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
KZ6D Rating: 2020-03-22
It does exactly what it claims to do! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I've been looking around for an antenna that would be acceptable based on restrictions I'm forced to deal with. Several friends had recommended using an end fed wire connected to a torroidial matching transformer. Fair enough... it seemed like a setup that might work well for me, but I wasnt really in the mood to hunt down all of the necessary parts and assemble it myself so I looked on eBay for ready-made units to make the process that much simpler.

I came across Nelson Antennas End Fed Dipole 80-6 meter Portable HF Antenna Matchbox System. Many of these "end fed matcher" type systems came with the feedline and antenna wire. I didn't need all that... I just wanted the transformer assembly, so this unit seemed to fit the bill.

I am constrained to a certain extent by an HOA as well as by a wife who (shall we say) doesn't quite share my enthusiasm for large, conspicuous antennas. I was able to neatly tuck the matchbox under the eave of my house and run a thin #26 neutral colored wire to a nearby tree. This configuration is virtually invisible to all but the closest scrutiny, so that solved THAT problem.

Having completed the installation, my attention turned to function. I've never dealt with one of these before, so I didn't know what to expect. Was this going to be some sort of compromise antenna that produced marginal results in exchange for the simplicity of its construction and stealiness?

I woke up early this morning and immediately switched my radio on and tuned to 40m. From a reception standpoint, the band was as alive as I've ever heard it from this QTH! Understand that I'm a person who has, for the Last 20 years or so, had to rely on stealthy, attic entombed antennas, so getting a wire out in the open is a revelation. I got good reports from the stations I worked and I considered the whole endeavor a success.

I was especially pleased at the fact that the antenna had excellent sensitivity on the 31m and 49m broadcast bands (I've been and avid Ham for nearly 40 years, but I STILL consider myself an SWL at heart).

In summation... I definitely got more than I bargained for and certainly more than I expected upon ordering this matching transformer. I get the impression that it's intended function is for emergency/ portable use, but mine's permanently installed at my QTH and I look forward to putting it to use as my primary antenna.

Brian / KZ6D