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Reviews For: Raibeam RB-210B

Category: Antennas: HF: Yagi, Quad, Rotary dipole, LPDA

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Review Summary For : Raibeam RB-210B
Reviews: 2MSRP: 199.95
Raibeam 2-element 10 meter beam
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
KC2HZW Rating: 2003-06-11
Excellent performance on a short boom! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have been using this antenna for a year and a half and am thrilled with it. This antenna has helped me to work 196 countries in a short time. Construction is good and assembly is easy, just follow the instructions and go by the numbers. I am using a Radio Shack rotor to turn this yagi and it handles it easily as it is fairly light. The short boom makes the antenna easy on the eye without bringing attention to my QTH. Because of it's size this antenna can easily fit in the car for vaction outings and can be set up on a light weight mast. Comparing this antenna to a dipole at the same height, it is quite quiet and I am seeing about a 3 S unit difference between the two antennas. It has a strong side null, but the front to back ratio is not all that great due to the short boom length. SWR is always low regardless of the weather and on 10M this antenna is pretty broad banded -- on the order of about 600 MHz. The company has been slow to answer questions via email and a request for a part (by email) went unanswered. Despite this I would still give this antenna two thumbs up!
N3AF Rating: 2001-04-15
Superb performance! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I already use the Raibeam 20 and 15 meter beams (both mounted on the same boom). I had been using a dipole for 10m for many years, but decided to add the raibeam 10m 2-element beam. Assembly was easy and without problems. I intially mounted the antenna on a tripod sitting on my deck at about 8' off the ground. With the beam pointing SW from my QTH in VA, I worked several Europe stations on CW and received 579 reports (100w); direction to Europe is about NE for me. Not bad. Antenna now mounted on my roof at about 6' off the peak of the roof and about 25' above ground. Performs like a champ. Excellent signal reports. For a light weight, low profile antenna for 10m, this antenna warrants consideration. If you have room, you might also consider the larger element 10m antennas. Good luck. de N3AF