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Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : COMET CHA250HD HF VERTICAL
Reviews: 4MSRP: $399.99
Non-radial ultra wide band ground plane vertical antenna. TX 3.5~57MHz. 50 Ohm impedance, standard PL-259 coax connector. 250W on SSB, 75W on digital mode. Rated for 67 mph wind load. 23.4 ft height, 7 lbs. weight.
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
KU6Z Rating: 2024-10-01
Well made vertical, can have high noise levels Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I got the CHA250HD because I wanted a clean install and my first impression was it was well made and I was going to make it my only antenna. I did notice that all the bands had a noise level of around S6-S7, but I figured that is just living in the city. After some trials I realized that there is a lot of noise at the chimney where I mounted it on my home, and I ended up ground mounting it on the hill 100ft behind my house and now my noise level dropped to S1-S2 and I can hear all the bands, even down to 160m. I've been able to work all bands 160m-10m on FT-8, though 12m, 15m 17m, and 20m seem to be the best on TX and have made many FT-8 contacts into Europe from California which has been a challenge for me. I compared it to a 40m OCF Dipole in the same hill side location, and the comet can hear better on all bands but 15m and 20m. So I am impressed. If it is noisy, check your location compared to electronics in your house. Try a ground mounting trial away from the house to see if it can hear better, it worked for me!
WE5ALW Rating: 2024-09-27
Fast assembly, lightweight, performs better than expected Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Let me start off by saying I've been using an HOA Buster gutter antenna for a few months now. it was basically a 183 foot end fed antenna in my setup. Less than 2 swr through all the bands. It was OK on 80-20 meters. I worked several states and lot of local hams close to me. But I never heard anyone on 17 to 10 meters with it. My noise floor was always around an s7 t0 s9 with it. Then I put up the Comet CHA250HD vertical. I have a really small lot, so not many choices to go with. I was a game changer for me. The base is only ten feet off the ground,but it made 17 to 10 meters come alive. My noise floor dropped to around s1 or less. I can hear someone on the vertical and switch over to the gutter setup and loose contact with them. Now it didn't make much difference on the 80 to 20 meter bands. Both antennas performed the same on them. I was surprised at how much quieter it was on 17 to 10 meters as I've always heard a vertical was a lot noisier than anything else. Not in my case though. So If you don't have much room for a large beam setup, you might give the Comet a try.
AC5XK Rating: 2024-03-05
Good quality construction, poor performance Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
This is well built, sturdy, and easy to assemble. I installed it attached to a 5 ft long 1.5 in O.D. mast held in place by four chimney mounts. The base of the antenna was 33 ft above ground. I also guyed it.

Performance was 2 to 4 S units worse on all bands compared with an EFHW at about 30 ft. I liked the omnidirectional pattern, but that wasn't enough for me to keep it.
N4TYS Rating: 2023-12-19
Very easy assembly. Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
Quick and very easy assembly. Could be used as a portable it is so easy to assemble. Lower section is robust enough to keep antenna steady. I mounted the antenna on a Cushcraft R8TB tilt over mount. Nice and easy to bring down for adjustment or protection from high wind. Antenna hears well, and tuned up good, VSWR as advertised. I did lengthen the whip out to 2.5" (manual starts at 3.15") and on 10m I have no reflected power, 20m I have 1.2:1 reflected power. For a low cost antenna, I am satisfied with this antenna. Now 4 months later-- based on contacts made, my location in NC and contacts in Spain, virgin Islands, Cuba, Canada, Michigan, Texas, and western US, I have good omnidirectional distance. Sturdy antenna, 20 mph winds it does not move. I do not have it guyed either and the Cushctaft tilt-over mount is solid, works like a dream. Had a big storm 50mph winds I can drop it down in minuites and back up when all clear. Antenna is rated to 60+mph but I assume that is guyed. Kit does include a way to put 3 guy wires to it, but that just makes it more difficult to take down or up. I like this so much if something happened to it I would buy another one.