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Reviews For: Loops-N-More 6M Loop (formerly KB6KQ 6m loops)

Category: Antennas: VHF/UHF+ Omnidirectional: verticals, mobile, etc

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Review Summary For : Loops-N-More 6M Loop (formerly KB6KQ 6m loops)
Reviews: 26MSRP: 85
6 meter 1/2 wave horizontally polzarized loop
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
N2MDV Rating: 2019-01-08
Great performing loop, now if it can only stay tuned up. Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I had KB6KQ himself call me up and pitch his Halo 6M Loop to me in 2005. Before selling and shipping to me, he pretuned it to cover both the SSB and AM 6M FREQ regions. It does indeed perform well, as good at least as the prior Saturn VI Halo that I had, if not better. The problem is, this antenna refuses to stay put where you want it tuned too. Since KB6KQ was a SK when I've wanted to try and retune it, I had to figure it out myself, and tried spreading the elements, recrimping and soldering the contact points inside the match box, compressing and expanding that copper coil, adding ferrite clamps to the match box coax stub, and drilling more 3/32" drain holes at the bottom of that plastic match box. All of that seems to help stabilize the FREQ match of where I want this antenna to perform. Placement of this antenna is very critical. Very sensitive if near tower, your house, power lines, etc. I would not recommend this on an RV or mobile home. If it wasn't for the FREQ match wandering, I would have rated this a 5. Yeah, I could easily build a dipole, but being omni lets me have my cake, eat it, then lick the frosting afterwards.
KK9H Rating: 2017-07-08
Back on 6M again Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
For many years I have had a 3-element yagi and rotor on a roof mounted tripod. This spring we had our roof redone and I decided to not have the tripod any more so I sold the yagi and rotor. However, I do want to be able to operate on 6M from time to time so I bought the Loops-N-More 6M halo antenna. I did still have a chimney mounted VHF/UHF dual band antenna on a 5 ft. mast so I installed the halo about 6 inches below it. The assembly of the halo was easy and straight forward. The instructions were clear and easy to follow. Once mounted on the mast it was checked with a Rig Expert AA-54 and found it to be exactly as described as it should be in the instuctions. The band wasn't open so I tested it with a friend who has a similar antenna, also about 30 ft. up and lives 27 miles away. I was using my 100 watt K3 and received a 15dB over S9 report so it clearly works. The component quality of this antenna is superb and it should last for many many years to come. You can't beat the classic halo design for a good horizontal omni-directional antenna on 6M.

73 de KK9H
W3UTD Rating: 2017-06-29
Awesome for Restricted Space Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
After years of being in an HOA and trying all manner of compromises, I put this 6m loop outside about 20 feet up a tree, where no-one can see it. Over the last few months I have grabbed, Venezuela, Brazil, Spain, Bahamas, 3 grids on the West coast (I'm in PA) and of course a bunch more "local" USA Grids.
I do not run an Amplifier, just 100w barefoot, but this thing is built like a tank, and if I ever added an amp, I'm sure it would handle it just fine. You can't go wrong with this antenna.

K2EZ Rating: 2015-10-20
Good even at high speed Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.

I am currently using four LNM loops on my rover, one 6M, two 2M/70cm and one 1.25M loop. I have used them in two VHF contests so far.

I find them very easy to tune and performance has been great for an Omni antenna.

In my rover setup (shown on my QRZ page) I had to put the four loops into close proximity on a single mast. Factory tuning was good individually but together in close proximity required me to adjust tuning just a little. Adjusting was as simple as loosening one screw and changing the gap. It took me no time at all to get them all tuned.

I have had zero troubles with tuning going awry since it was set. Dry weather, wet weather, and it has held despite hitting the occasional low hanging tree branch.

I did have SWR go awry on my 6M loop once after 5 months, but that turned out to be a screw that came loose after 5 months. Tightening that and it was back to normal and no re-tuning needed.

Another thing that has been nice on the rover is this array of antennas is quiet. None of the antennas "sing" making audible noise or any crazy vibrations while moving even at highway speeds. Most of the loops are mounted in the recommended trailing position, but out of necessity I have one forward mounted (not recommended) and even that one behaves although I added some semi flexible wire insulation to act as guys to keep it secured and dampen any vibration.

Overall I am quite happy.
N2RRA Rating: 2015-07-06
The Best Loops on Market Hands Down! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have owned this design of the KB6KQ loop for years and having M2 squared loops and others nothing out there beats these loops.

In fact I'm thinking about buying another 6m and 2m loop so I can phase them. I've used them both rover and as base and just love the performance and quality. The SWR's never change no matter what Mother Nature has thrown at them.

They actually work quite well for local repeaters up to a good considerable distance. Add a little power through them and they'll work even better.

It's a purchase you won't regret.

N8YQX Rating: 2015-07-06
Great antenna Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
With the antenna mounted on top of a colonial, I've worked over 3 dozen grids so far with very casual operation. The SWR is low (1:1.1 max) out of the box on the calling frequency, and is below 1:1.5 within the typical weak signal sub-band. SWR change from rain isn't significant enough to prevent me from operating.

-Well built and easy to assemble
-Omnidirectional (no need to point the antenna)

-Shipping is expensive for 6m version
WX4DM Rating: 2013-05-28
Great so far Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I bought this antenna a couple of weeks ago and installed it in my attic. So far it seems to be working really well for local and regional contacts. Bill - AD0CW - kept me up to date as he was processing and shipping my order, and it arrived really quickly. I had already tried another 6M loop from a different company and in my opinion the loops-n-more product is heavier and more well made.
VE2PIJ Rating: 2012-03-01
222MHz Time Owned: more than 12 months.

my 222MHz work very well
N3ZC Rating: 2009-01-26
Excellent! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Great loops..I had the 6M and a pair of 2M loops from Norm.....Sadly...Norm/KB6KQ became a SK this past June...
W5WAA Rating: 2009-01-26
The Best Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Have had this antenna for 3 years, am always amazed at the performance. When the band is not even open you can still work a few people. It's a very quiet antenna, very low noise. Quality is as good as it gets. I don't know if it is being made anymore, but if you can find one get it.