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Reviews For: Wellgood Loop Amplifier

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : Wellgood Loop Amplifier
Reviews: 1MSRP: aprox £50.00
WellGood Loop project which was originally devised to help repair the WellBrook Loop ALA1530. The history and earlier versions of the project, including schematics and details of operation can be found on the WellGood Loop History page. It also provides the basis for a Diy loop at moderate cost
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
G4POP Rating: 2024-11-23
Best so far Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
During my years in radio, I have owned and constructed many loop aerials including small magnetic transmitting loops which unfortunately I had to stop using after having a pacemaker fitted, as a result, I have concentrated on receive loops during the last 10 years.

I have purchased or built most of the available receive loops and have found some no better than a dummy load while others performed very well with the LZ1AQ loop probably the best performer! until I purchased the Wellgood Loop amplifier from G80CV and M1GEO.

I fitted the amplifier into a waterproof enclosure and attached a 1-meter diameter COAX loop made from RG213 using waterproof glands where the COAX enters the enclosure. The loop is mounted on a tripod about 6ft above ground and 25 ft from my house and my HF wire aerial.

The aerial has been tested on my SunSDR2 DX, Hermes Lite 2+ and RSPlay SDRDuo with equal performance on all three SDR’s

The performance between 160m and 20m is outstanding with 40 and 30m being the best performing bands providing a S/N better than any of my other loops.

To listen to some Wellgood loops on air browse to and

I have no connection with the Wellgood Loop other than as a happy user!

Highly recommended de Terry G4POP