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Reviews For: Titanex DLP11

Category: Antennas: HF: Yagi, Quad, Rotary dipole, LPDA

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Review Summary For : Titanex DLP11
Reviews: 2MSRP: 800 dollar
11 elements wire logper antenna 7 - 28 MHz, 10 and 7 MHz dipoles
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
HB9FBN Rating: 2012-08-31
Very good compromise Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I purchased my DLP-11 in 1998. I've pre-assembled it abt 2 m over ground. SWR was between 1.2-1.6:1 on all bands (the 30/40m folded dipoles needed adjustment). I've installed then on a 7 m short pole to a HAM IV rotator. The swr becomes worst on 12 & 15 m band, but still between 1.2-1.8:1. Since that time it never needed maintenance. It works as expected from 10 - 20m WARC included (I agree that it seems to work like a 2 el yagi). Works quite good on 30 m. In 40 m even with good swr, the folded dipole is too short and the antenna loses at least 2 S-points respect to a G5RV. Better anyway than no antenna! It is very lightweight (just 13 kg) and after 14 years it still survive to sun, wind and ice/snow. I never operated with more then 800 Watts CW. Very good multi-band compromise.
PA0CLN Rating: 2001-07-21
7 bands on one coax, 5 with directivity Time Owned: more than 12 months.
In use for almost 3 years on an 18 meter high tower. Construction was not too difficult and took about 10 hours. Most difficult item was the mounting of the wires to the booms with the special clamps. The 30 and 40 meter dipoles needed a some adjustment.
SWR is OK for most bands, except 12 meters.Even with 45 meter RG 213 it does not come below 2.
Directivity is what you can expect from a small log per: F/B in most cases 10-15 dB, F/S is worse on 12 and 10 meter, due to the shape of the elements. On 14-28 MHz is seems to work like a 2 el yagi. On 30 and 40 meter it works like a dipole.
Windload is OK for your tower and the low profile(for 7 bands!)is OK for your wife and neighbours.
Mechanical construction is OK with respect to wind-survival. With respect to corosion the choise of the materials can be improved. After 3 years serious corrosion occured between the aluminium booms and the copper of the elements, causing high resistance between booms and elements. This needs permanent attention, especial when you live in close proximity of the coast(as I do).The 30 meter element showed a burned(with 400 watts)connection between the conductor and the rope. I had to repare this by placing egg-type isolators.
Nevertheless, this is a very comfortable antenna as long as you take care of the corrosion problems. In all pile ups it was a good companion. Titanex was very helpful in solving some construction problems.