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Reviews For: Force 12 MAG 240N

Category: Antennas: HF: Yagi, Quad, Rotary dipole, LPDA

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Review Summary For : Force 12 MAG 240N
Reviews: 4MSRP: 2599
2 element, 40 meter yagi
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
LU6MC Rating: 2017-02-14
BALUN Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have this antenna 6 years ago
It is a magnificent antenna
The only advice I can give is that the optional balun should be placed closer to the driver because the cables are very short and when the driver is balanced by the wind the terminals are cut
K0MD Rating: 2012-10-04
Awesome Time Owned: more than 12 months.
The Force 12 Magnum 240N is my second 40 meter yagi. This yagi is 85% full size which means it plays like an OWA.

My first experiences with it were shocking: DX stations who were S-3 to S-5 on my s meter were telling me I was 10 dB over 9. They were asking "What antenna are you using because you are so loud here?" After the third or fourth report like that, I began to believe it!

It is easy to assemble and it is reasonably light for its size. The elements are well built. The linear loading is short and not hard to put together.

It is easy to feed with a balun.

I initially had an SWR that was unacceptable, despite some on the ground and in the air testing.

I brought it down from 110 ft and had the designer N6BT help me with it. It now has an SWR of 1.6:1 at 7.000 Mhz and 1.3:1 at 7.3000 Mhz. It is flat across the band. Wow!!!

I really like this yagi - it is a nice trade-off from the full size 4 element models that are available. It also plays well with my Force 12 C49 Xr that sits 5 ft below it.No interaction!

This 40 meter yagi is totally awesome. I sold my older linear loaded KLM 2 element within a week of having this one up. I think you can understand why.
K9RX Rating: 2005-11-11
Construction details Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Very well built antenna! The plan is to have this antenna at 129' above a C31XR (at 121') and below a Sigma 180Magnum 80/75 dipole (136'). The boom is heavy duty, the elements very well constructed. Materials are high quality. The manual leaves a bit to be desired - it specifies that the elements should be tuned separately - the reflector for example at 6890, 6900, and 6910 - yes all three are mentioned at one point in the manual or another! The antenna delivery was quoted to be 4 weeks - was in reality almost 13 weeks. Getting information on its status was very difficult... but in their defense there was a death in the company as well as a move. Tom (N6BT) has always been much more than helpful. Performance to follow in another review (see also reviews of C31's and 180Magnum).
K6RB Rating: 2001-12-18
Works like a champ Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
When I replaced my KT 34XA with a Force 12 C31-XR, I decided to put the new MAG 240N 40 meter yagi above it. The two antennas sit on a 20' chromoloy mast with the C31-XR at 55' and the MAG 240N at 65'. I didn't have the room to build the antenna on the ground, so I built the two elements, first, and prepared the boom for mounting. The boom was lifted into position, first, then the two elements were mounted. The SWR was 1.2 to 1 at 7.000 MHz and 2.0 to 1 at 7.250 MHz. While working the first few stations with it, I switched to my half-sloper antenna to make some gain comparisons. Typically the signal on the yagi was 1.8 to 2.5 S units better, and comparison reports averaged 2 S units better. I heard and worked my first 40 m. African station the first night in operation, and got a 599 report from a French station. Force 12 claims that there's no interaction if the two antennas are a minimum of 7 feet apart. I have them 10 feet apart and I noticed no change in SWR characteristics on 15 meters before or after the MAG 240N was put in place. I'm looking forward to giving it a good ride in next year's CQ WPX contest.