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Reviews For: W9INN - 40-80-160 Meter Sloper

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : W9INN - 40-80-160 Meter Sloper
Reviews: 5MSRP:
W9INN Antennas is the guy who has the little bitty add in various magazines. He has been in business for over 30 years, and makes great antennas.
Product is in production
More Info: http://N/A
# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
W0RDX Rating: 2007-11-24
Great Antenna Ever! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have had a W9INN sloper for 160-80-40 for some time now. I have been looking into an alternative but have yet to find anything that loads, has teh bandwidth and performs like my little 60 foot sloper (some call it quarter wave and others refer to it as half wave).

I have worked into Africa and Europe on 160 (noisy on receive as it is expected to be), worked much more on 75 and 40. My 75 meter loading is off and I suspect the coil may be damaged. Anyway, the antenna performs admirably on 160-80-40 for me with what acreage I have to work with. Thanks Bill and I will miss you! You made a fine product and the service was superb. Wish someone would pick up his product line.
W0LC Rating: 2006-10-16
Greatest Sloper Ever! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I got a W9INN sloper 160/80/40/30 from a friend some years ago. I won't part with it. I am so sorry that Bill passed away for he made a great product and backed it up! Bill was always willing to take a phone call and talk you through anything, answer any questions, etc. I just wish someone would pick up his product line and keep it going.

My 160-30 sloper works great on 160 and with very good bandwidth. Yeah, I don't hear as well as I could but if I had a beverage, I am sure I could. It does get out and it works. For the money, it is very well made, stays up and doesn't come apart like many other commercially made products. Bill's were all hand made.

Thanks Bill! Without your product, i would never have known the fun of 160 meters!
KG4LRU Rating: 2003-03-22
160 great performance Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Hey wish own stock Bills little Buss. But he s does again I bought a Butternutt vertical as a back up with 160 coil 9 bander I wasnt statisfied with the receive performance or the band width and band coverage I called Bill 98.00 he sold me a Ground feed vertical wire I tossed a line over one of 78 ft trees in the back yard and pulled the wire on slight angle over tree the wire about 70 ft long I buried the feed coax in the ground and then connected some number 14 copper wire as radials for greatly enhanced performance. Now I can work all bands it tunes most of the 160 with auto tuner the manual tuner tunes it 30,80,160, the best thing antenna is stealth in the trees full power This antenna is a ground feed vertical only 70 aprox long
K4NR Rating: 2002-10-23
Nice Antenna and Service Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I recently put the 160 / 80 / 40 / 30 half sloper on my tower to cover the low bands. When I ordered the antenna, I gave Bill the center frequncies for each band as well as information about the tower and other antennas. I removed the SO-239 and replaced it with a good 160 - 10 balun before I put it on the tower. Having built a number of multi-band half slopers over the years, I was certain that I would have to tune it once it was on the tower. I was rather surpised and pleased to find that the center frequencies were very close to what I had requested--nice job Bill.

73 de Tom, K4NR
WD5BJQ Rating: 2002-03-28
Fantastic Antenna ! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have been using my W9INN Sloper for over 20 years. I have a Triex W51 Tower with a Cushcraft A4S on the top, and I have this sloper mounted next to the Rotor and it slopes down to a tree in my backyard. The antenna is about 55 feet long, and has two large homemade coils. I have put legal limit + into this antenna, and it has performed very well. The only thing I had to do to the antenna recently after so many years is change the rope because it has been up so long. If you need an antenna for 40/80/160, and you don't have the space for a dipole. You have to give this antenna a try. It uses your Tower and antennas mounted on it as part of the antenna, and has good omi-directional coverage. DE Keith, WD5BJQ.