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Reviews For: Antennas West G5RV Jr.

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : Antennas West G5RV Jr.
Reviews: 4MSRP: Ebay starting bid $19.95
40 thru 6 meter short version of the G5RV antenna.
Product is in production
More Info: http://
# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
KM5TC Rating: 2006-03-09
Good Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Bought the G5RV-JR about 5 yrs ago. I'm not sure
if the company is still in business now.

Good product, has held up well in various
kinds of weather. I've never had it mounted
much over 20ft as an inverted-v and always
gets out and receives well.

I think Antennas & More sells the same kind
of antenna. For the money, a good buy and
great way to get on hf. 73's
N2PEU Rating: 2004-11-07
Good antenna! Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
Got mine from RadioPaul on eBay. I also bought the
ferrite bead choke kit. Mounted at 30+ feet, Drake
MN2000 or MFJ 945E transmatch. 1.5:1 at 40M and 1:1
from 6M to 11M. Nice weatherproof construction as well.
KE5GK Rating: 2002-09-26
Fair to Partly Cloudy Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Owned one several years ago. The construction of the antenna was one grade above "homemade". Performance was average. I later built a "Centerfed Zepp" using 450 ohm ladder line and worked rings around the commercial G5RV.

Antennas are like beauty: "In the eyes of the beholder."
K8AG Rating: 2002-09-26
Like it Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
This antenna is fairly well designed for long life and low maintenance, for example it uses twin-lead instead of 450 ohm "window" line so snow and ice build up less. Performance has been very good. It was simple to erect and so far has not disappointed.