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Reviews For: Diamond DP-GH62

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : Diamond DP-GH62
Reviews: 4MSRP: $169.00
Six meter all directional
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
WA1YIH Rating: 2024-06-22
Superb 6 Meter Base Antenna Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I see the last review was 16 years ago so it's time to toss one out there. I picked up mine at an estate sale the summer of 2022 and just recently rebuilt it and put up in February of 2024. It sits at appox. 24 feet off the ground mounted on a tripod. The band width I got was less than 1.7 to 1 at the band edges and flat 1:1 at 52.5 mhz. The range I get is good here in Southern Maine. I can talk base to base 40 miles and mobile to base about 30 miles running 100 watts output on both ends. I have a homebrew 6 meter J pole I built 40 years ago and have compared the 2 against each other. Both antennas perform pretty much the same, not alot of difference. This antenna was made from 1991 to 2008 when it was replaced with a currently produced Diamond CP-62. The only difference I see between the two are how the radials are mounted and possibly the internal matching network, I'm not sure on that part. These were expensive when they first hit the market for $140 and later sold for over $200 at the end of the run. But mine has survived high winds of 70 mph, ice storms and rain with no issues at all. If you find a used one get it, it will be worth it.
KI4FUN Rating: 2008-05-18
Good for 6M and more Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Great for other bands besides 6M, will tune up using internal tuner. This is my 2nd one as the first was struck by lightning.
VE3SUB Rating: 2006-10-02
Best 6m Vertical Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have used this antenna for 10 years and I am the second owner. Never had a problem with it at all. I worked my first 100 grids on 6m with it at a low height around 15' off the ground. I also loaded it up on HF too. I worked 35 countries on BPSK 10m though 20m including eveything in between with an FT817 @ 5 watts. This antenna was the best. I recently took it down and retired it. Some of the screws holding the section together finally failed. It also developed an open in the coil which is sealed in epoxy after taking a lightning strike. I would buy another today but can't get one shipped to Canada. I know of only one retail outlet that still has it in stock.
K4CDK Rating: 2002-11-30
Total coverage 6 mtr. Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Purchased this antenna new, put it on top of my house, connected it to a TS570S two years ago and have not had any problems with it. Worked sveral different DX stations off of it as well as several repeaters in the area where I live. It matched up real well when assembled per instructions, no adjustments had to be made.