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Reviews For: Cushcraft R-7000

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : Cushcraft R-7000
Reviews: 76MSRP: 389.95
40-10M 1/2 wave vertical. 80M add-on kit available.
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
EA8DHN Rating: 2023-10-23
muy buena antena Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Es la mejor antena que he tenido pero con el kit de 80 ,no va muy bien .
KC6AUP Rating: 2019-05-13
Just finished WAS with it Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Did WAS with the R7000 in 5 days on 40 mtrs, using FT8, so for an older antenna it's still working great. Mine is only mounted about 4 feet up on a fence post, so I'm sure if I raised it up some it would preform a lot bettwr.
F6FLH Rating: 2015-07-03
Trés Bonne Verticale mais .... Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Voici une bonne verticale 1/2 onde mais doit être aubannée impérativement au 2/3 pour ne pas la redémonter pour révision des serrages trop périodiquement. Effectuer le montage avec un peu de frein-filet sur les vis des trappes pour éviter les desserrages et les faux-contacts. Bonnes bandes passantes en général ,elle est trés efficace en DX et surpasse toute mes autres antennes FB13-FD4-W3EDP de 1 à 2 points S.Le petit plan de masse est trés pratique "radians courts" :gain de place au sol par rapport aux radians d'une verticale 1/4 d'onde. Certains jugements sont trop négatifs : il ne faut pas la condamnée à mort trop vite. Ma note sera de 4,5 pour cet aérien. 72/73 à tous.
W2RWL Rating: 2015-03-04
Great Antenna Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Have had this antenna up 45 feet in the air for more than 2 years here in Upstate Central NY and it is still going strong. Tunes every band of operation with the TS-870 internal tuner. SWRs are below 2:1 on all bands. Read instructions carefully...Measure twice, adjust once.
WA8IUR Rating: 2013-04-04
recommended Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Have owned mine for 16yrs, purchased new.Have used it at four different QTHS,LONG STORY.
Anyway, it has served me well everywhere.S. America,Europe,Africa,Asia. Have use don cw and ssb.
Don't get me wrong, as soon as things come around I want a tribander.The r7000 will do till then.
K8YC Rating: 2012-11-12
R-7000 traps need help Time Owned: more than 12 months.
The R-7000 is a good antenna as far as verticals go, but it needs some help. Owned one since 1998 and have about 323 countries worked using it, BUT the traps DO have a problem. If you have "fluttering" SWR, it is probably being caused by wind induced vibrations in the internals of one or more traps. The trap design is pretty unique with two traps in each "can". The capacitors are formed by the outer shell of the can and a coaxial piece of tubing pop-riveted to the structural tubing on each end of the trap. THE POP RIVETS WERE POORLY PULLED UP ON SEVERAL TRAPS I TOOK APART! A thin film of aluminum oxide apparently forms on occasion but is "scrubbed" by vibration causing the variations in electrical conductivity. Drilling out a dimple in the wall of the trap "can" will allow you to remove the delrin spacer and get to the guts. Before you pull out our last remaining hair, you might give this a try.
K7PP Rating: 2010-08-11
OK for some Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Even a great antenna will suffer in poor conditions but I'm afraid the R 7000 is more susceptible to the weather out here on the Pacific Coast of Washington than most.
I've had the antenna up for years. It has performed fairly well on the upper bands but getting it to work on 40 and 20 has been a chore. I don't operate 30 so that's not been an issue.
I've had the top trap apart more times than I can count. Each time I seem to fix something different.

Today, I finally gave up and removed the top trap and it's four extra feet of tubing.
Guess, what? 20 meters is now flat across the whole band. All the other bands above 20 are also flat.
The antenna now works better than ever.

I'm not sure if I'm going to bother trying to fix the top trap again.

Bottom line is that from now on I'm going to stick with monoband verticals without traps.
If you live in an area that is dry and not to windy then, perhaps, otherwise I would try something else.

K6SDW Rating: 2010-06-29
Not junk Time Owned: more than 12 months.
The previous review not withstanding, I use this antenna camping and I've had amazing results, easily working Europe when Propagation is good....I've been a ham for 45 years and know antennas somewhat and I had doubts about this too, but the damn thing works!!!

I have no connection to the manufacturer but it ain't junk!! Yes, it's a compromised antenna but it ain't junk........
W4KVW Rating: 2010-06-29
JUNK Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
This by far is the WORST antenna I "EVER" owned or operated on.The sections NEED too be attached to each other with self tapping SCREWS or the sections move around in the wind & lose contact with each other causing the SWR to go up & down. Save your money & pass on one of these pieces of GARBAGE!
EA7AQV Rating: 2010-05-10
After more than 5 years stored in bad conditions it works... Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I have bought a Cushcraft R7000 2nd hand that had been stored more than 5 years in very bad conditions, an after making a general manteinence (cleaning ALL electrical connections, rewiring CT1 trap, and fixing all the traps connections with 4 mm rivets), and making a new base hardware (the aluminium 10 mm plate), and guying it with 2 levels of Dyneema 3 mm cords, it works ok, outperforming my dipoles in all bands, and it has been ok, in spite of one 80 km/h winds storm...