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Reviews For: ICOM IC-751A

Category: Transceivers: HF Amateur HF+6M+VHF+UHF models - non QRP <5W

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Review Summary For : ICOM IC-751A
Reviews: 115MSRP: 1395 (Net Price) during 1991
Medium size 100W HF rig. About 1986-93, no tuner.
Product is not in production
More Info: http.//
# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
F5MAG Rating: 2024-07-25
juste best tranceiver icom Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Amateur radio since the 80s it is one of the best devices that I own apart from some well-known problems with the aging of the components it is superior to all the devices that I own I will not tell you the number going through YAESU KENWOOD since it e still active in my station it is version 751af therefore the serial number 01669 which has ssb and cw filter of course an electronic keyer and of course whatever scratches hi I bought this broken down device at an om for a sum of 200 euros after whatever small repairs it's back for a 5 star device tour
K3JLS Rating: 2022-05-15
NIce Solid Old Rig - Still Relevant Today Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Hello. This is my second IC-751A - sold the other unit in a fit of stupidity. Bought this unit on eBay. It was pristine - no scratches or flaws whatsoever - EXCEPT - for the old plastic trimmer problem. As the rig warmed up CW signals would start to become a bit raspy which worsened over time. So, I bit the bullet and replaced 4 of them with ceramic units that I had in my junk box from precious trimmer upgrades (2 - IC-735's and an IC-745).

Ya gotta ask yourself why in the bloody blue blazes did those 'clever' Icom ever design these radios with PLASTIC trimmer capacitors when a proper CERAMIC unit cost but a few cents more??? Icom engineers had to have known that these parts would eventually fail. They are a real nuisance to replace.

Was it a penny pinching measure or simply a way to generate repair revenues later on? To add insult to injury - Icom no longer stocks these particular parts.

N1EBQ Rating: 2022-04-05
Great HF Rig Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I got my 751A at Dayton in'87. I was considering the Kenwood TS-440SAT with the auto tuner for the same price but the Icom was my choice and has been ever since.
KC1HWT Rating: 2021-11-22
A Timeless and Magnificent Performer. Time Owned: more than 12 months.
The Icom Ic-751A remains a timeless, and relevant performer even in the modern era of transceivers. I’ve owned the venerable Icom IC-751A since 1991. A childhood dream to own one, I saved up, and bought one of the last new ones made when I was a teen. I had it recently restored to spec and is in mint condition! Even after 31 years, this is still a sentimental favorite. It’s a dream to look at with its gorgeous analog meter and great sound.

They don't make solid military spec radios like this anymore. My IC-7610 feels mechanically inferior to the knobs, buttons, and case of the 751A. No hidden menus, all the functions of the radio are on knobs or buttons that are ergonomically laid out. Navigating through all the functions is a breeze and fast. Everything is easily visible and accessible. It doesn’t have an antenna tuner, but most built-in tuners are only good to 3:1 VSWR, and most of us use external tuners anyway.

No big deal, I’ve replaced the memory board with a PIEXX one with a non-volatile memory. I didn’t need to, but decided to upgrade the VCO trimmer with ceramic ones for future stability, and changed several aging electrolytic caps to it restore for future posterity. The UT-30 Tone Encoder is soldered/ preprogrammed for 88.5 Hz, so it’s a little limited to have selectable tones. However, when needed, I use other rigs to access 10m FM repeaters.

I have the internal PS-15 Power Supply, and it is ultra-quiet. It’s a real plus to not have to not worry about an external power supply, especially when transporting it. The most striking attribute is that the SSB audio is sublime out of this radio - it sounds like I’m listening to AM - clear, unmuffled, not too wide/narrow. I’ve never experienced this in any other modern radio. A few colleagues have concurred this unique quality about the 751A. Furthermore, SWL is an absolute joy, and even the stock speaker is good with nice response and clarity.

Even for a 30+ year old radio, it’s still a relevant rig today for HF. The receiver is very sensitive and selective. The receiver specs are excellent. The PBT, Notch, and stock filters have served my needs perfectly. The tone control effectively adds clarity and articulation to speech. Band switching is a quick press of the button and tuning knob. This operation is faster than any other modern rig I own.

Out of my Icom IC-7610, IC-7000, IC-706MkIIG, and Yaesu FT-991A, the IC-751A still holds its own in term of specs and performance. After all these years, it’s still a keeper onto the ages of radio history…

KO4DN Rating: 2021-05-01
Enjoyable Radio to operate. Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I’ve owned an Icom-751A for about 4 years now. I’ve been an Icom guy since my Elmer let me borrow his IC-701. I’ve owned an IC-720A, and I still own an IC-735. After a 20 year hiatus and a divorce I purchased an IC-7100. After using that radio for about a year and after several contests I wanted a radio that didn’t have menus, had knobs, and the controls were easily assessable. One day I heard a guy on 40m with really nice audio. He was using an IC-751A. I did my research and checked reviews ( To make a long story short I bought an IC-751A off of eBay from a Goodwill store 2 miles from my office. I paid less than $350 for the radio.

I added the high stability oscillator, 250Hz CW filter, Piexx memory board, and mod it for PBT. I get great audio reports using the SM-8 mic. I would go back and forth between the IC-7100 and the IC-751A. To me the 751A just as well, receive sounds better, and is easier to operate especially during contests. I just recently participated in the Florida QSO party (CW only). These reports prompted me to write this review. I was running barefoot and using a 2 element quad.

TU Sir for picking me out of the crowd, de N7KO eastern Washington state
You have a booming signal into Washington, and you must have a good antenna for listening. I was using my Mountain Topper mt4b and a buddipole attached to my bicycle in a local park running 4 watts.
You sure were bringing in the count, TU and 73s

The next day.

Thank you very much for hearing me. U HV FB RX ES ANT - HR PWR 5W ES ANT indoor random wire (73 feet long) to tuner. ANT wrapped around inside house and taped to the wall near the ceiling. You were loud here in MI. 73 ES GUD DX, Dave

The 751A radio rx and knowing how to use the PBT and notch, in my opinion, is key. Overall this radio is enjoyable and fun to operate in contests, and just in regular ragchew. I’m not getting rid of this radio. If you have a chance to purchase one, get it, and get on the air and use it!
N4YX Rating: 2020-06-20
Yes - Finally, Now I Know Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Finally ... the correct situation arose where I could acquire a minty 751a. I've been wanting to add one of these to my arsenal of rigs for a long time. I have MANY transceivers to compare & the 751a is a terrific performer and definitely a keeper.
SV1AGK Rating: 2019-06-03
best receiver Time Owned: more than 12 months.
best receiver from many modern transceivers

Earlier 5-star review posted by SV1AGK on 2018-01-25

excellent receiver no any problems
WQ7T Rating: 2019-03-03
Really nice recieve Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
I finally scored one of these at a ham fest last year, and I love it! I did add the eprom battery mod immediately using two BR2325 cells with holders instead of the usual CR2032’s. I’ll eventually go for the PIEXX memory replacement though. The receive on this rig is so very nice and easy to listen to. I also like the fact that I don’t have to worry about treading through menu’s. I did take advantage of the fact that the 1st IF is tapped via a 2pf cap right from the factory and added a 70Mhz buffer amp to feed a Panadapter. That makes this rig even better and it’s a joy to use! If you have the chance to get one of these rigs, go for it! I believe it’s one of the best value older rigs out there!
K1PGS Rating: 2018-11-20
Great Radio Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Just bought back my IC-751A from a good friend that purchased it from me 3 years ago. It took me a year to convince him to sell it back to me. I have the EPROM/RAMBOARD and the PIEXX UX-14 Plus installed. This is just an excellent radio. I have compared it to my IC-7300, FTdx3000 and my K3. The IC-751A holds it own against them. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles but it does not need them. If you get the chance to pick one up, do so. You will not be disappointed.
K5QBX Rating: 2017-03-10
Great Older Rig Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have done a side by side comparison of the 751a with a 7410 using the same antenna with an A/B switch. Anything I can hear with the 7410 I can hear with the 751a. The 7410 has more bells and whistles, but the receivers are so close, there isn't any difference to speak of at my QTH. I use the rig mostly for SSB ragchew and DX and for that, it works really well. I have installed the PIEXX EEPROM to solve that issue before it became an issue. If you find one at a decent price, get's still a good buy and addition to one's shack...recommended without reservation for a new ham or as a backup rig.