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Reviews For: KLog

Category: Ham Logging Software

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Review Summary For : KLog
Reviews: 7MSRP: GPL-Free
KLog is the multiplatform Ham Radio Logging program for Linux, Windows, and macOS

KLog supports ADIF as a default file format, provides a DX-Cluster client and support DXCC, DXMarathon, QSO/QSL management, IOTA, Clublog syncronization and much more.

Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
N2QFD Rating: 2023-09-26
Running on Linux Mint Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
After trying many logging programs, some reportedly working on Linux, others running under WINE, I've found KLog to really hit the spot. It's easy, it's intuitive, it's not too much or too little.
EA5WA Rating: 2020-12-01
Simple and Great at the same time Logbook Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
I'm testing Klog (Windows version) and helping to testing it and everyday is getting better and better.

I was using VQLOG for V/UHF and satellites use, but due to the price, I started to check other options. I tried first Logger32 but I finally discard it because doesn't support satellites work correctly. Now I'm also testing Log4OM in parallel to Klog.

I think Klog is the easier Logbook for regular ham log use, checking QSLs and uploading to LOTW/QRZ/EQSL/Clublog services.
Is also very useful for satellites Ham radio contacts, selecting the satellite you are going to work from the list, automatically set the frequencies Uplink/Downlink, propagation mode to SAT to avoid any errors uploading satellite contacts to LOTW. No problema at all.
Uploading qsos is very confortable and easy.

73's from EA5WA Juan Carlos
KE7TDY Rating: 2011-12-04
Hands down the best I've tried! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I use this for almost all my logging needs! [Minus the rare contest I participate in, but even then, after the contest, I import the file to kLog]

If/when I can upload sections to eQSL, I'll be in Ham Heaven.

I've used it since I was licensed in 08 ... and have no plans on changing to another logger
KG7LK Rating: 2011-03-13
Great Logging Program Time Owned: more than 12 months.
KLog is the best logging program I've found for Linux users. Likewise, the developer is more than happy to listen to suggestions to improve the usefulness of the application. I think KLog has a great future as a logging application.
K3DGR Rating: 2007-10-31
Geat General Purpose Log for Linux... Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Klog v 0.4 is a great logging program for Linux.It was tested under Ubuntu (current) Linux Distribution and KDE and works great!.Have my entire paper logs loaded from 1957, Window shows QSO's previously worked. Search on any call and windows displays search results. Beam path, short & long path to logged stations, WAZ, DXCC award status, DX Cluster info also included!, etc..
Way to go Jaime!, 73's Dave, aa3ej
EA4EEJ Rating: 2006-09-29
Best Log for Linux!! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
The best log program for Linux that I have used. I use it from its origins and it is very good though it is evolving.

Its author listens and implements anyone good suggestion that you do to him.

Linux forever!!!
OH7JJT Rating: 2005-02-02
simply logging Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
KLog is my first Linux logging software, Now have tryed others too, but seems that Klog is suitable for me. Best thing is adif file. The log file is adif all time, converting is not needed. Maybe some printig features (labels and direct to card) in future. Fb software.