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Reviews For: Yaesu FT-757GX MK1

Category: Transceivers: HF Amateur HF+6M+VHF+UHF models - non QRP <5W

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Review Summary For : Yaesu FT-757GX MK1
Reviews: 60MSRP: 899.99
Compact HF transceiver with 0.5/30 MHz receiver.
Product is not in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
G4YVM Rating: 2024-09-02
Wonderful Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I got the 757GX, the PSU and the auto atu all from a SK sale. I have always loved the looks of the 757 but never owned one, even though in the 80s I sold them as a student working part time in a radio shop (G4KZH), Ray Withers. I could not recall even ever seeing the ATU so when I saw all three I snapped them up.
The ATU worked, the radio partly...not much CW joy. I worked on it and got cleverer help too. Then I had to change the VFO and then a few other bits. Someone gave me a dead one which I was able to canibalise.

Long story short, I got the rig running as it should.

I love it. It is all I ever hoped. No, it's not my ftdx101, it's not a Tentec, but heck, it is 40 years old. It looks fab, sounds good and the ATU is old school electric motors!

I use it a lot. It is fun.

G4VRR Rating: 2023-09-03
Unreliable Radio Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I owned this set from sometime in 1984 for about 3 years. At the time it was a "do it all" set for sensible money compared with a TS930s or an FT One. Even the TS430s was more costly. Fair play to the folks at Yaesu then. At the time, freshly licensed, everything was new to me, so although I was hustled into buying it because a group deal had been negotiated dependent upon my cooperation, I nonetheless ran with it and loved it. Then it had to have a new photo-interrupter encoder under warranty. Then the same fault again fixed under warranty. Then there was an RF board fault repaired at cost out of warranty. Then it was history. Together with a less than ideal reliability record with an FT709 at about the same time, it kind of put me off Yaesu and complex gear in general, so I bought a TenTec Argonaut 515. Lovely!

Edit; Changed Argonaut 915 to 515 which should make more sense.
EA4AZZ Rating: 2023-09-02
NICE OLD RADIO Time Owned: more than 12 months.
No DSP NR screen ........ only a nice receiver very easy to use a more than 100w pep with good audio.
A simple radio from a simple times.
IU0OYC Rating: 2021-10-06
Low cost surprise Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
Bought this radio as slightly faulty for 200 euro. The seller told me that the vfo knob was off-center and the mike processor did not work. The radio body is, at least, battered. Some lettering are worn out and someone tried a paint work. Bad job.
My planned use was in my sailboat, to spare my good FT-897 form salt and thieves.
After two easy fix, I'm really stunned.
The audio of this radio is clean, and after some practice of the strange shift/width control, I can pull out of the noise stations i can not ear at all with my newer, cleaner, shiny 897.
Now the radio is on my desktop, not in the sailboat, and do not plan to sell or put it apart.
Sometimes I do some direct comparison with my other transceivers (Yaesu FT897 and 817, and Kenwood TS 510 and 520). Don't know why, but it's always the best radio of my low budget shack
KE7MU Rating: 2020-09-16
Failed to function one month after warrantee expiration Time Owned: more than 12 months.
This was my first modern radio, had to save up for it, and sell my HW101 and HW8. I had hi hopes, but found the radio's performance inferior to the noise level on the HW101. Then about 27 days after the warranty expired the receiver went quiet. Sent it back to yeasu and they charged me $168 to fix it that was 22.4% of the purchase price. I borrowed a TS 830 from a friend for the 4 months it took to repair it. Got it back and sold it. Years later, after good reviews and the military look, I got an FT 897, followed by a kenwood TS 570 which was my main radio until I retired.
WB1CDG Rating: 2020-09-15
Great Radio! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I bought mine new back in '83 or '84. Used it with a variety of compromise antennas (apartment living). Took it to Japan and operated for a few years with a vertical antenna, then back to the US and used it with OCF dipoles and longwires. Used it for general ham use as well as MARS. Packed it away around 1999 and it remained in storage until around 2018-2019. Pulled it out and plugged it in again, and it still worked like a charm! Over all the years, the digital dial reads .09 khz low. Probably some old electrolytic caps could use replacement after almost 40 years, but it's not far enough off for me to expend the effort (I just just tune to 7.1919 instead of 7.192). I've got nothing but unrestrained praise for this radio. The audio is particularly pleasant compared to other ham radios I've owned and used. It has plenty of bells and whistles and has been a solid performer since the day I bought it. it still LOOKS like new, too, I might add. Fantastic radio, fantastic design, fantastic build. It is the standard by which I judge all other radios! I've never found, used, or seen a radio that I'd like better, including the latest generation of high-tech menu-driven wundermachines. While I enjoy fiddling around with SDRs and old boat anchors, they're just toys -- my Yaesu FT-575GX remains as my serious ham radio and flagship of my shack.
VE3XMN Rating: 2019-10-20
EXCELLENT Time Owned: more than 12 months.
This is a very good mobile radio. Still working after all these years! Thanks YAESU VE3XMN
W0RDX Rating: 2019-08-09
Great Radio for the Price Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Everyone covered the good points already. Take care of them and they run forever. Great radio with lots of features without them being optional.

Earlier 5-star review posted by N9CM on 2016-06-12

I know these little radios are a bit long in the tooth, but for the money, you get pretty much all that you need. You get:
1. Radio with FM Mode
2. CW Filter built in (although 600 hz)
3. PBT
4. Adequate receiver
5. General Coverage Receiver
6. WARC bands included

I can't find a lot of fault with the radio as I have to base a review on the technology that at that time, was available, and avoid trying to compare it with a current model being offered today.

For $300-400 you can't go too wrong. Built in dual vfo's allows for split, general coverage receive for when you want to SWL. Not much "bad" I can say about the radio.
N4YX Rating: 2017-01-14
Half a Dozen Time Owned: more than 12 months.
That's how many of these rigs I've owned over the time I've been a ham. Like many similar rigs from this era all needed one or more of the plastic trimmer caps replaced with ceramics & then realigned. Really nice rig for it's time frame when you consider it had all the filters from the get-go. Nothing more to buy or add. Plus it was all modes! QRQ CW ops luved these rigs too with the high speed QSK.
K4YZ Rating: 2014-05-23
OUTSTANDING MULTI-PURPOSE RIG Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I bought my FT757Mk1 in 1984. I bought that particular rig for three reasons. First was that I was on Active Duty in the Marines, and had to have a rig that could be packed into a small container and carry easily and quickly.

The second reason was that I am a CW guy, and the Mk1 had a built in keyer with a slide control on top of the rig for speed control.

The last reason was that I was very active in the Civil Air Patrol and Air Force MARS at the time, and the Mk1 only required the opening of the top lid and sliding a switch to get continuous HF coverage.

I'd still have that rig today if some scumbag thief hadn't stolen it from my car in 1986 while visiting my Father in Florida. I did follow it with an FT757Mk2 a couple years later and had it until just recently. It was a fantastic rig.


Steve Robeson, K4YZ
Winchester, TN