
Manager - NA4M
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Category: Ham Shack Accessories

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Reviews: 2MSRP: $150 NEW.
A shirt pocket sized ultra low cost, freq counter good up to 2.8GIG
Product is in production
More Info: http://www. optoelectronics
# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
WT8L Rating: 2013-09-20
Ok, but... Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Not accurate enough for bench work, but good enough for a quick check out in the field. Replace the battery with a AA battery holder and rechargeable batteries...
WA2JJH Rating: 2003-05-26
Tiny, accurate,sensitive,and frq capture. Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Need a freq. counter that is good enough to be used with your service monitor, or check the freq. of your QRPP rig.

this one does it all.

TEST 1) sensitivity used 2.4 gig non spread spectrum cordless phone.

No direct contact with antennas. frequency measured 2479.4500 Megahertz. The counter read 2479.4503MHZ. The counter showed the cheapo phone to be off by 300HZ. NOT BAD!

There are two freq ranges. up to 250 MHZ and up to 2.8ghz.

IN the 250MHZ mode the counter will read down to the nearest HERTZ! Good enough for Commercial work. I used a service monitor. I found the 250MHZ
input is good up to 350MHZ. So you can align anything from VLF to your 220 rig, with 1 hertz accuracy.

It is sensitive enough to pick up a 300Mw 440 transmission 10 feet away using a VHF rubber duck.

This would make it usefull for wireless mics or BUGS!

In the 2.8GIG mode your resolution is knocked down to 100HERTZ. You can still align commercial radio's at UHF.

The gate times are ultra rapid. There is a filter and hold option. The sensitivity gets knocked down by a factor of 4. However you will get a lock on from a 2 watt ht a few feet away.

I did all calibration using a service monitor, and a FT-100D with the TCXO option. I found the MINI counter, the service monitor, and the FT-100D/TCXO within 3 hertz of each other. AMAZING!

I in general hate NI-CADS. However the built in pack will provide 10 hours of continous use.

I am truly in Shock and Awe that the CUB will do
frequency counting faster and better than an old HP counter I have.

One can pick up the CUB for under $100 on ebay.

Unless you are into the Counter Surviellance business, do not buy the expensive rubber ducks for specific frequency ranges.

I never thought I would see a counter very sensitive at 2.4 GIG for $100.

If you are building a QRP rig and want digital read out, you can just take the board out of the well shielded case! I am adding digital read out to my Ten Tec Argonaught 509. The only problem is that I will have to add some VCO's and MIXERS to get the CUB to display the RECEIVE FREQUENCY. Of course If wanted to be a LID and KEY down to set fequency, a digital read out is a no brainer!

This counter has too many uses! Perfect for ham use, demanding commercial use, and counter surviallance!(BUG DETECTION).

A must have device!
New with NICAD PACK and charger $150!

I am going to try to get a used one for a digital display for my Argonaut 509. The dial string is broken.Might add a FEW multi-octive VCO,s to make the Argonaught GENERAL COVERAGE and WARC.

You will not be sorry with a new one or used.