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Reviews For: HamTestOnline ham exam training

Category: Ham Radio Education & Exam Prep Materials

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Review Summary For : HamTestOnline ham exam training
Reviews: 1090MSRP: 24.95
  • Technician: $24.95
  • General: $29.95
  • Extra: $34.95

    Web-based training for the ham radio written exams.

  • Quick, easy way to learn.
  • Better than random practice tests.
  • Provides additional information.
  • Presents concepts in logical order.
  • Tracks your progress on each question.
  • Focuses on your weak areas with “intelligent repetition”
  • Better than books — question drill keeps you engaged.
  • Web-based system — study when you want, at your own pace.
  • 100% guaranteed — you pass the exam or get your money back.
  • Free trial includes 50 questions from each exam.
  • Product is in production
    More Info:
    # last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
    KK7HLH Rating: 2023-06-09
    Passed Extra @ 96% Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
    I used this site along with online lectures from W4EEY and easily passed the Extra test. I highly recommend this online tool to prepare for any of the HAM tests; it's well designed, has built-in learning reinforcements, and is well worth the fee.
    KD0JXU Rating: 2023-06-01
    They helped me earn my Extra Time Owned: more than 12 months.
    I found this site to be super helpful for learning the Extra test. I used a different major study website for my General, and struggled learning with it a lot (I'm not going to name names). This site seemed a lot more user friendly for me. I felt like I was actually learning the material and it was sticking as I made progress.

    The hardest part is that you need to keep yourself motivated to continue studying every day until you pass, otherwise you will go backward. Even if I couldn't dedicate major time, I learned to still run through the study mode and complete the refreshing questions before logging out.

    When I finally sat down and told myself I had to do this, it took me less than a month to complete my goal. I definitely recommend this study tool to anyone wanting to upgrade their license. Good luck to everyone.
    K5RKH Rating: 2023-05-29
    Perfect - Learned a lot, and passed the tests. Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
    I used HTO (HamTestOnline) (also known as to pass my Technician exam 9 years ago, from total newbie to easily passing the test with 10 or 15 hours of study. At that time, I tried several competing sites, but HTO was, to me, clearly the best in every way. Yesterday, I passed the General exam after about 15 hours of study, only missing on 1 question. I'll pass the Extra by the end of June for sure. This program is so easy. Just put in the time, and you will learn the material, and pass the test. It's that simple.
    WN4RUF Rating: 2023-05-25
    Helped me significantly Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
    I used HamRadioPrep for Technician and HamTestOnline for General.

    HamTestOnline was much better for straight-forward test preparation. The language stayed exactly the same from the study guide to the test.

    HamRadioPrep rewords things to help the preparer think of the material from different angles. Thus, you actually learn the material instead of simply remembering for the exam. However, it made it more difficult as I went back and forth reviewing and not seeing the answers/questions matching the notes. Not ideal for someone with no electrical/technical background.

    As I learning more, HamRadioPrep site will be more beneficial to better apply the knowledge, but not don't recommend it for testing purposes.
    N8MAM Rating: 2023-05-24
    Best way to study for exams! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
    Used Hamtestonline in 2021 for Tech and General exams. Studied 10 hours for Tech and passed, then another 15 hours for General and passed. In 2023 studied the Extra Course for about 30 hours over a 5 week period and passed with a 96% on the exam.
    KQ4AOP Rating: 2023-05-22
    Excellent Test Prep and Amateur Radio Learning Software Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
    HamTestOnline is designed to help you learn about the many facets of amateur radio while preparing you to pass the tests.

    Follow the website's instructions for studying, and let the advanced spaced repetition software help ensure you can answer the questions correctly on test day. If you are competitive, you can monitor how you rank among other subscribers.

    I passed my Technician and General on the same day. I passed the Extra a year later. I do not feel I spent more than a few week's time studying prior to either of my two test sessions.

    The tool also provides hints on what to focus on and tricks for remembering the answers to many of the questions.

    W4HLJ Rating: 2023-05-19
    passed extra with ease Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
    Great study guide. Passed extra test after 30 days of study. Organizes your mind to take the exam with confidence to pass. I recommend this study aide to anyone at any level
    KN4ITY Rating: 2023-05-19
    Great way to study!! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
    I used HamTestOnline to study for my Tech. and my General, passed both 100% !. I found that this method stuck with me better than any other I have tried. I highly recommend!!
    K4NUM Rating: 2023-05-18
    Great resource. Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
    HTO got my 80 year old brain in gear and was the main reason I passed my EXTRA class test.
    KL5OE Rating: 2023-05-11
    Technician and General Passed! Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
    Just like it says I studied 10 hours and was ready to take a Technician Practice Exam. I passed. I started General study the next day and took a practice exam 11 days later and passed. I had 6 days until my real exam day and did practice exams until then.
    Piece of cake!
    I recommend this course.
    You will pass.!