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Reviews For: Sugiyama F850

Category: Transceivers: HF Amateur HF+6M+VHF+UHF models - non QRP <5W

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Review Summary For : Sugiyama F850
Reviews: 3MSRP: 900
10W for 160-80-40-20-15-10-6-2m. Radio button design, 500kHz VFO range, digital, GBP 900,-.
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
DH5AK Rating: 2009-06-29
2m-PA not relyable as well! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I want to add that the 2m amplifier of my F850 was not relyable too. It ate several RF power transistors. Although the circuit itself seemed to be quite simple, the RF power transistor is rare AND expencive. You do not need to open the F850, Panodoras monster is leaking even through the solid cabinet walls!
You should never buy this radio or you should love never ending frustration.
DD3LY Rating: 2006-08-25
Bad Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
The case is robust, the circuit design of the shortwave range seems to be a good structure, the frontend is "high performance", BUT:

All functions of this radio are controlled by mechanical switches which are absolutely NOT relyable. All of these radios have massive problems with these switches. I tried to clean the switches with a special solvent but it was very high effort to reach them all. Frustration is preprogrammed with this radio if you do not disassemble it completely and exchange these switches for better types. I did not try to spend this effort.

Maybe there are other problems too. I gave up and sold the radio cheap. The new owner knew about these problems. He even discovered a problem with the 2m power amplifier.

I honestly can't recommend to buy this radio. High performance circuit design is just one factor, life length and the MTBF is another which is important too.
DL0USB Rating: 2003-10-03
A bit too unreliable Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Was offered using most sophisticated receiver mixing technology ...

Using 4 J-FETs in the front end made this rig famous ... but:

Dynamic range on SW was really fine. 6m receiver sensitivity was not so good, 2m sensitivity was bad.

Many of the radio buttons (500kHz segments or band switches, mode switches etc.) failed after a while. PCB interconnections were also bad and so, several unwanted signals were produced during transmit. Worst signal on 2m in the EU FM band (145-146) produced large ghost signals in the SSB/CW area ...

It was hard to get the right AMP connectors for the rear panel (the big band and mode matrix). I guess that order took more than a year.

So, except for 2m it was well usable as a QRP rig with pretty good receiption.