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Reviews For: Kenwood SP-50 Ext Mobile Speaker

Category: Speakers for communications

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Review Summary For : Kenwood SP-50 Ext Mobile Speaker
Reviews: 13MSRP: 56
Compact (relatively flat) Speaker
Product is in production
More Info: http://
# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
KI4GKS Rating: 2005-11-29
Excellent! Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
A little pricey but, an excellent sound! I use one with a Kenwood TM D-700. It is mounted on the door post on the drivers side. The sound is very intelligible even at low audio levels. I plan to buy another one.
KG6POG Rating: 2005-04-11
Great sound small package Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I recently bought a TS-480HX, and decided to get a new speaker to go with the radio.

Kenwood has a decent reputation home and mobile audio, so I decided to go with the SP-50. I do have other communication speakers but none of them have the audio quality of this little speaker.

I was looking for a good sounding speaker that wan't too large. I have my radio station tucked away in my computer desk, and needed a smaller speaker to sit on the shelf above my computers monitor, and the SP-50 sits there perfectly, directly above and in front of myself, and the microphone.

For the money I don't think the SP-50 can be beat as a mobile or a base station speaker. It's a very clear articulate speaker, that's easy to listen to.
N7INK Rating: 2003-12-02
Excellent Audio Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I purchased my first one about five years ago and my second one about 2 years ago. Excellent audio, relatively compact (2.5 inches deep) so it fits nicely in my GMC Jimmy and also in my Silverado Pickup. In the Jimmy I mounted it high above my left ear on the door post so that I can hear it well but not intrusive to the XYL (not a radio fan).
I only rated it a 4 based on price. Although I think it is a 5 in quality I think it is a bit pricey. But I would not sell either one of them. I have used Motorola and GE recycled commercial speakers purchased at swap meets with good audio but they have a larger form factor.