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Reviews For: Cobra UltraLite Multiband Antenna

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : Cobra UltraLite Multiband Antenna
Reviews: 142MSRP: 89.95
A complete 10-160 wire antenna constructed to handle extreme weather
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
K0DLM Rating: 2024-12-28
So far so good Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I just put this up (1 week) to replace a previous doublet taken down by falling limbs. It tunes 75 very well and my reports say I've got a better signal than I ever have. Using in an inverted v configuration at about 45 feet at the apex. The ends are 6-7 feet off the ground. I didn't quite have enough yard on one side so I made a right angle turn for the last 15 ft or so and did this on both ends for symmetry. Running directly to a MFJ-989D which has a 1:1 internal balun I believe. Tunes up on 160 but rainstorms have limited me due to noise at this point. 40 meters tunes and works well. I have a vertical for higher bands. I'll update this after I have more experience with it. Build quality is good and hopefully it will stand up to our Kansas winds.
N4MCE Rating: 2024-11-10
Great Antenna Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Antenna works great! I have the longer 160M version.
I just recently purchased a 9:1 balun (the 4:1 from Balun Designs to a lightning hit, I think), and the antenna tunes 10x faster and at a wider frequency range.
KW1L Rating: 2024-07-17
Good antenna for lower bands with good customer service Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Recently purchased a new Cobra UltraLite Multiband Antenna (80-10 Meters, 73 feet).
It is connected to 81 feet of 450 ohm ladder line to a 4:1 current-style balun (Balun Designs 4113). From the balun it connects via 25 feet of RG8 to my Kenwood TS-590s. SWR on all bands are 1:1 with internal antenna tuner and the Cobra is up 25 feet in my backyard.

The Cobra works great on 80, 60, 40, and 30 meters. On 15, 12 and 10 it it not as good as my 10 meter vertical. Using RBN between the two antennas the vertical has a 10 db stronger signal with the same receiving stations using RBN (Reverse beacon network).

The customer service from Joe (K1JEK owner) is outstanding. He answered all my emails and I had a telephone conversation about the performance of the antenna on 10 meters. Joe's suggestion was to raise the Cobra to 50 feet. Unable to try this because of my location.
I also got good information from the members of the Ham-Antennas Groups IO.

Finally the Cobra was easy to install and we gave it a trial run on a POTA event with my friends Dan (KB6NU) and Rick (K8BMA) with excellent results on 20 meters.
KD9WES Rating: 2023-09-27
Better built than most I've seen Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
My Elmer pointed me at this antenna and I'm glad he did! I had a great guy that really understood how ladder line needs to be ran which helps. I feel some of the reviews on here may have to do with just that. My mfj 939 would not directly tune it so I bought a 4 to 1 Palomar balun and it worked instantly. Another friend off mine bought a ofc fed from Hro and the quality and build difference was night and day. From the wired used to the end brackets. Since his is coax feed and mine ladder line it's not fair to compare the rx or tx as ladder line is superior!
WM1G Rating: 2022-09-29
Good antenna wrong balun Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Just got off the phone with Joe when I had a problem with my second Cobra senior dipole. I could not tune the dipole. I asked him if I could return the balun (only a couple of months old) to have a new one sent. He disclaimed all responsibility by saying -he has no knowledge of baluns! He told me to call Baluns Designs-his supplier. Bob from Balun Designs said that Joe is selling the wrong balun. Joe supplies the 4113t- a 4:1 balun. Bob from Balun Designs said that it should be a 1171t- a 1:1 balun. Bob will help me get the correct balun.
WB4MOR Rating: 2022-04-03
Great antenna Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I operate QRP from home. Was using an end-fed with fair results. Want to stay stealthy but also wanted better performance. Bought the Cobra UltraLite Jr. and recommended balun, and could not be happier. Quality construction, quick service and prompt shipping from Joe, K1JEK, and much improved signal reports. Glad I got this antenna.
AG7K Rating: 2021-06-22
Update #3 Still good after 14 years! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I bought this antenna (Ultralite SR) in 2007 for use as a temporary antenna. I tested it at 55 feet in a flat top configuration against resonant dipoles on 75 and 40, 15, and 20, a 260ft windom, and a handful of other antennas including the G5RV. Before I was done testing the Ultralite SR stayed and the others came down. Here we are in 2015 and the Ultralite SR is still up and used every day, 10-80meters including 60 meters. I have it running North-South at 55 feet flat top with only about 75 feet of 450 window line running into a DX Engineering 4:1 Balun. a 10 foot LMR 400 Jumper into the Palstar differential cap tuner. This setup handles 1.5 kw with no problems so far although I usually run 300- 900 if an amp is needed. I used to run the 450 ohm ladder line directly into the tuner but had a bit of rf in the shack, as well as tuning solutions were hard to get in some spots. The outside mounted 5k current balun solved these issues. The only other antenna I use here that works as well is a 240 nonresonant W7FG design fed with 600ohm ladder line that is up in an east -west flat top configuration at 55 feet. I have more room east west but north-south the 140 Ultralite SR fits perfectly!
WD0FIA Rating: 2021-02-07
Bought one, and have bought two more. Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I bought one several years ago. It performed well, but was only 15 feet off the ground.

When I moved, I managed to put it 35+ feet up. Wow what a difference! Then I got a second for our second home, and bought a higher quality 4:1 balun. Bazzinga! I forgot there were different types of baluns, current and voltage are different!

Running the proper type of balun makes a world of difference!

"Cobra presents a balanced load, we recommend installing a 4:1 current-style balun at the station end of the feedline (many external tuners provide a built-in balun)."
F6CBA Rating: 2020-10-05
Steel twin-lead not FB Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have the junior version for about 10 years and I am very satisfied with this antenna.
Today I am ordering a new twin-lead because the original one is made of steel and it has already broken several times when there is strong wind (I live near the ocean). It always breaks in the same place, near the central insulator. I replace it with a multi-strand copper twin-lead which is much more flexible.
WB6UQA Rating: 2019-06-30
Very good for its size Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
I live in Santa Monica Ca. My friend moved to Arizona. We had trouble making contact. I bought the Cobra ultralight junior and we are 20db over 9 every day.