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Reviews For: MFJ-1621 portable antenna

Category: Antennas: HF Portable (not mobile)

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Review Summary For : MFJ-1621 portable antenna
Reviews: 17MSRP: 89.95
A complete portable multi-band antenna system
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
YV5IOU Rating: 2024-06-26
Pure Trash Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I receive the antenna two days ago

1st the telescopic rod was bent, No insturctions knside the package , I just plug the antena set the mediocre switch (poor designed) to 10 meters.

Nothis , just noise

Try every single band and pure noise on my Yaesu FT10 dx

What a trash.
Despite other experts opening the box and finfing issues is a trash

W1AMX Rating: 2018-03-08
Works very well Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Tuned it with an analyzer right next to the tuner.
1.2:1 @ 56 ohms on 7055.Set the tuner/whip on a bed in a far bedroom, laid the coax out down the hall to the master bedroom on other end of house. Rechecked tuning - very close to same. Set power to 50 watts on radio, called CQ once and got station 500 miles away. This at 0800 hrs. It works. Will try with coax in serpentine (snake) pattern and other configurations - fun.
KB9CZ Rating: 2016-04-07
Marginal Time Owned: 6 to 12 months.
I've had this unit for a while and am going to try something else. While it can get a decent SWR according to my antenna analyzer the counterpoise/feed line is a real problem and pain in the neck. It's 50 feet long and cannot cross itself. Indoors it is barely passable. Outdoors the feed line cannot touch the ground or grass without creating so much RF feedback for more than a few watts, that it will drive your transmitter crazy. I would recommend trying another "apartment" antenna model for indoor use or going to the Buddistick if you are contemplating outside portable operation. Indoors with the cable permanently placed, then it's barely serviceable, which may be all you can do.

Earlier 2-star review posted by KB9CZ on 2014-07-21

I bought this unit to be able to work from my condo and portable. The writeup says "on the beach." To some extent I suppose it does. The feed line is 50' and should not be looped, so you need to stand 50 feet from your rig, key, and then adjust the unit for max power out. They tell you to make a 50 foot keying cable. OK. I have found that there is too much SWR/RF feedback to keep the transmitter keyed even at 1 watt. It takes a lot, and I mean a lot, of trial and error to adjust this unit properly, and improperly adjusted it just doesn't work. Perhaps if I bought an antenna analyzer to use as an RF source it might be easier, but something tells me that this was not a good investment and I should move on to something really tailored for portable operation.
N9GUE Rating: 2015-11-05
Works better than expected Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Purchased this antenna used on Ebay. I live in a retirement community with no option for an outside antenna. Hooked this antenna up and tuned it with my antenna meter. Put it in my third floor window. Worked stations East and West in the USA. Had many reports on Ham Spots. Works well for me and can use Rigs auto tuner to touch up the SWR.
KE7OPK Rating: 2014-09-12
addendum Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I put the cable up off the floor, almost to the ceiling, (I live downstairs), and I am getting good signal reports and making contacts all the sudden. Good product, must be deployed with finesse.
WA7KGX Rating: 2013-12-07
Good for what it is. Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Interesting little device I picked up at a hamfest some time ago. I just started using it today so am reporting 0-3 months' ownership.

The 1621's instructions are quite clear - the 50 foot coax is to be uncoiled and not crossed over. Well, I did uncoil a few feet of it.

The instructions insist I put the supplied plastic insulator over the whip. Feeding it with 5 million microwatts from my FT-817, I didn't bother. 5 watts on 20 does not seem to cause RF burns.

Common sense suggests the antenna should be in a somewhat open area, perhaps a patio or balcony. For its first test the antenna sits on my operating desk, surrounded by radios and test equipment. Perfect place for a dummy load.

Relying on years of experience with various tuners I decided to start the tuneup by setting the coupling cap ("matching") to mid position, rotated the switch to maximize noise, then adjusted the controls for minimum SWR or maximum meter reading.

Nonetheless it vastly outperformed a dummy load. WSPR on 20 meters reached all the way to Baltimore, some 3000 miles away.

I would like to see the next product come with an antenna that telescopes down to a foot or so. I would also like to see it made rain resistant.
The switch should be secured to the panel so it can't rotate.

W5JDA Rating: 2012-05-21
it makes a great SWL antenna Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
it's junk period! I follow the directions and all and I know I get heard around the world, but for a digital antenna it sucks! If i didn't live in a antenna I would for sure have something else!
KB3PLX Rating: 2008-12-27
Great little antenna, gets you on the air Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I've been licensed since July '07 but just got an HF rig. I was looking for the easiest way to get on the air, and knew this would be a compromise.

Using 50w PSK on 20m I've had QSOs with Guatamala, Cuba, FL, GA. On 40m I've reached WI and MA.

RX seems to be pretty decent. I've listened to a few interesting broadcasts.
KB5IAV Rating: 2008-01-26
Will get you on the air when there are no other options Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I bought one of these at the Mobile, AL hamfest in 1991 shortly after I moved out of my parents' home into my first apartment. I've had it in multiple apartments and a condo and it worked. Putting it on a balcony in both second and third floor apartments, I was able to make contacts on it. I even broke a few pileups. This antenna will not outperform a dipole or any other standard antenna, but it will get you on the air if you're in a place where getting a full sized antenna up in the air isn't possible. If you are in such a situation and want to get on HF, get one of these, and you'll be on the air.
KC8ARD Rating: 2007-12-22
I rate it closer to 3.5 Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Well, I've had this product for several years. I used it a long time ago and found its performance less than satisfactory. It was quickly placed in a corner of the shack and abandoned. Well, not too long ago I took a second look at it, and found that the main lead connecting the tuner portion to the antenna(off the cap) was not soldered in any way. A dab of solder later and it works fine. Nice concept, but shame on you MFJ for your manufacturing mistake.