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Reviews For: SteppIR Tuning Relay

Category: Ham Shack Accessories

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Review Summary For : SteppIR Tuning Relay
Reviews: 12MSRP: approx $65 as a kit ($95 assembl
A circuit to allow SteppIR Antenna users to disable the PTT line to their amplifier whenever the beam is tuning. This guarantees that the FluidMotion recommendation about applied power while tuning can be adhered to even in the heat of contesting and DX'ing.
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
K8IA Rating: 2004-04-15
Functionally perfect. A great addition for any SteppIR owner Time Owned: N.A.
I was fortunate enough to get Beta#1 of N8LP's SteppIR Tuning Relay, about a month before Larry went into production.

This device is operationally perfect and constructed very well. It is the perfect addition for any SteppIR owner that wants to have peace of mind when running his amp and doing frequent QSY's.

No need to worry, when the elements are moving the amp cannot be keyed. The bright red LED is a much better visual indication of element movement than the asterisk on the controller.

Get one. Its nominal price is well worth it!
VE3NFK Rating: 2004-04-15
useful addition Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I have just finished installing the SteppIR Tuning Relay in my system with the 4 Element SteppIR and TS-2000 with a MA1000 Metron 500W out Amp.

Results? Brain-dead easy - works a treat - no adjustment required - true 'plug and play' and the red 'Tune' LED is MUCH easier to see than the little flashing asterix on the SeppIR controller display.

It shuts off the PTT until the antenna comes a stop - and then re-enegizes it. (I you are talking - and the antenna tunes - it shuts off until the antenna stops - and then you are on the air again!)

All-in-all an excellent addition to the SteppIR family -

Congratulations, Larry.