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Reviews For: eh-antenna 17m backpacker

Category: Antennas: HF: Verticals; Wire; Loop

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Review Summary For : eh-antenna 17m backpacker
Reviews: 3MSRP:
Both 20 and 17 meter backpacker antennas sold in the US
Product is in production
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
N4LCD Rating: 2018-02-23
Dummy Load - Feed Line is the Antenna Time Owned: more than 12 months.
When Ted Hart and George first came out with the EH Antenna, they had a motorhome at the Stone Mountain Hamfest in Lawrenceville, Georgia.

I may be off on the year, but I'm guessing it was around 2004 or maybe earlier.

Anyway, I was leaving the hamfest and walking past their motorhome and noticed their weird looking antennas and my curiosity got me. I stopped and asked what those PVC things were.

I got the whole fast-talking EH sales pitch. I was exhausted from the hamfest and wasn't thinking straight and bought the 17m and 20m kits.

I got home and promptly forgot about them.

One day I noticed them and assembled the 17 meter version according to the instructions inside the PVC pipe.

I hooked it up to the coax and set it out on the deck rail and made a contact from Georgia to Kansas on SSB at 100 Watts.

I noticed that the mic was hot.

I put a choke on the feedline and the antenna quit working. Imagine that.

I discussed this with some other hams and we all came to the same conclusion that the feed line was the radiator.

Email got no response. Imagine that.

Look elsewhere for an HF antenna.

KQ6XA Rating: 2007-03-02
Coax is Your Antenna -- EH is Your Placebo Time Owned: more than 12 months.
======= THE EH IS YOUR PLACEBO =======

"A magnificent device for coaxial cable radiation."
--Hirun P. Maximus, WIAW


Some level of exoticism in the ingredients and mysticism in the properties of the EH Device are deemed desirable by promoters:

Radiation Resistances
EH Modes
Hz Radiation
Phased Coils
Fields In Phase
Placebo Elements
Kor Radiations
Flipped Orthogonals
Harmonic Radiations
Advanced Jibberishian Mathematics

Unlikely ingredients such as the baobab fruit were added to the active elements, along with unspecified roots found in swamps which have remarkable effects as the dielectrics for matching coils.

One example of the magical properties and ingredients approach is the Kickapoo EH Antenna, a product of the Kickapoo EH Company of Frestonia (completely unrelated to the Kickapoo Indian tribe of Oklahoma), supposedly based on an ancient Native American EH Vertical Totum Dipole design. The EH Totum Pole was the inspiration for Al Capp's "Kickapoo Joy Juice," featured in the comic strip, "Li'l Abner".

EH Antenna promotions are part of the tradition of timeless herbal wisdom, famous among travelling doctors, as seen on the popular TV show "Technology Of The Old West". Just about any scientific discovery, phase differential, or exotic micro organism can be used as a key ingredient in a patent medicine or magic antenna.

Ham operators are invited to invoke the power of electromagnetism to heal their ailments. In the 20th century, electricity and radio were scientific advances that found their way into patent medicine advertising, especially after Luigi Galvani showed that electricity influenced the muscles when an EH Antenna was used by the operator to stimulate the brain of frogs.

Devices meant to electrify the human body have been long sold as a miraculous benefit with proven enhancement results; EH Antennas are purported to attract Single Point Energy which makes the body more conductive and thus your skywave ionosphere propagates better. Albert Abrams was another well known practitioner of EH field theory, claiming the ability to diagnose and treat diseases over long distances by radio, using only a simple Stacked Six Over Six Element EH Antenna Crossed Field Array Hula Loop, and simultaneously maintaining his QRP transcendental contact with pure CW. It has been reported that the signal was so finely matched in phase with the 377 ohm radiation resistance of the universal ether, that it can still be heard on 40 meters as a Long Delayed Echo (but only by highly skilled operators using Coherent EH Antennas).


"The physician's belief in the treatment and the patient's faith in the physician exert a mutually reinforcing effect, just like the E field and the H field of an antenna; the result is a powerful remedy that is almost guaranteed to produce an improvement and sometimes a cure." -- Petr Skrabanek and James McCormick, "Follies and Fallacies in Medicine", p. 13.

The EH In-Phase Placebo Effect is the measurable, observable, or felt improvement in general health and well-being of the operator, combined with an increase in DX angle of feedline radiation. This effect is believed by many operators to be due to the placebo itself in some mysterious way, but has been scientifically proven to be due to the careful EH Mode phase alignment of the electromagnetic fields in the near field of the antenna as they interact with the human brain of the operator.

Researchers and medical doctors sometimes give placebos to patients and contest operators. Anecdotal evidence for the placebo effect is garnered in this way. Those who believe there is scientific evidence for the placebo effect point to clinical studies of ham radio operators, many of which use a control group treated with a placebo such as an EH Antenna for 20 meters. Why an inert substance, or a fake surgery or therapy, would be effective is not known. But the psychological theory is that it's all in your mind; some believe the placebo effect is due to a belief in the treatment or to a subjective feeling of improvement due to the mind's interaction with the electromagnetic field's radiation resistance when it is in the EH Mode.


Definition: pla·ce·bo
Pronunciation: pl&-'sE-(")bO
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, I shall please
1 a : a usually pharmacologically inert preparation or antenna prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a DX disorder
1 b : an inert or innocuous substance used especially in controlled experiments testing the efficacy of another device or antenna
2 : something tending to soothe

Definition: Placebo Effect
Function: noun
: improvement in the condition of a patient or operator that occurs in response to antenna coaxial feedline radiation treatment but cannot be considered due to the specific treatment used

A placebo (Latin for "I shall please") is a device, medication, or treatment believed by the administrator of the treatment to be inert or innocuous, such as a dummy load, but it is in effect an actual antenna in the mind of the operator.

(c)2007 Snake Oil Antenna Hall of Infamy, Inc.
W9RPE Rating: 2004-06-07
No communication after the sale Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
I bought the 17m version for 57.95 with shipping, and had it within a week. The plans were marked for the 17m version, but it tunes only on 20m, and nowhere near 17. I had to buy more magnet wire to re-build, which I did three times before I relized it worked on 20 meters! I have emailed George at EH three times since May 15 for assistance and he has not replied and the emails have not bounced. Now their web site is down. Also, except for the two tunable caps(cheapies) I could have purchased all the parts at the local hardware store for $5. Never again!