Well, I got a hold of a Motorola Micor C54RCB-5195A Repeater, and according to the owner's manual it states that it is a 45-watt version or model, but when I took a cross-hair, or dual needle, SWR - Watt Meter, and hooked it up between the Hustler G6-440 antenna and the repeater, using 50 feet of coax, new by the way, plus the new jumper cable/wire, it showed only 20 watts forward, and 2 watts reflected, power, with an SWR of just under 2:1, around 1:1.8:1 or so on the SWR - Power meter.
However, when I took and tested the transmitted and received range of the repeater, comparing it to the Tram Browning 1481, I did get better results with the G6-440, than when using the Tram Browning 1481, even though the Tram claims more gain than what they claim that the G6-440 has, so as far as that comparison goes, the G6-440 seems to work better.
However I will be going outside, maybe tomorrow, and hoping that the weather will be nice enough, I will see whether I can adjust the SWR to be better.
Now then, I have used a G7 for 2 Meters, and there are 2 sections that you can adjust for best or lowest SWR, but I haven't dealt with a G6-440 before, so I will need to check to see whether I can adjust the SWR on it or not.
Yet another however, the owners manual states that the SWR - Power Meter was calibrated at the factory at the 10-watt level, and at the 100-watt level, and it says in the manual that I may need to calibrate the meter again, using a known power output, or known standard, of something, plus into a dummy load, to calibrate it, so I am not sure whether the 20 watts forward, and 2 watts reflected, power, is the actual or true readings.
so I am not sure whether I should calibrate the meter first, or whether I should try to adjust the SWR first, or do both.
I did adjust the power output on the repeater, and it went down to almost zero output, up to 20 watts of output power, but there's a sticker on the repeater that says that it was putting out 48 watts of power at whatever measurement it stated on the sticker.
So I am undecided about the G6-440 antenna.
Also, I see conflicting reports, on different web sites, as far as how much power the G6-440 can handle, one report says only 100 watts, another says 125 watts, another says 1KW of power, etc., so I don't really know for sure just what the power handling capability is for the G6-440.
If I get a good SWR I am thinking about going to 100 watts on my 440 repeater...I have, just today, put a preamp on it.
I have Owned the G6-440 since September the 16th of this year. |